A Book About the End Of The World – Is It Appropriate For Kids?

A Book About the End Of The World – Is It Appropriate For Kids? A Mum Reviews

A Book About the End Of The World – Is It Appropriate For Kids?

Books for kids used to focus solely on lovely topics and colorful motives. However, times have changed and now we even have apocalypse books for kids. You might be a little skeptical about his, as was I, but you’ll be pretty surprised to know that there are books out there that can really make it work and fit the children audience with such a theme that, until now, was considered adult-only. One example of such a book is The last kids on Earth.A Book About the End Of The World – Is It Appropriate For Kids? A Mum Reviews

The last kids on Earth is a book about a kid called Jack, who ends up being the hope of humanity by staying behind in his hometown while everyone else was running away. Why were they running away, you ask? Well, a zombie apocalypse broke loose and that’s a good a reason as any to ditch town. Long story short, Jack starts to embody the characteristic and philosophies of a modern day hero as he sets out on multiple quests. One of his missions is to find his best friend while another one is to find the whereabouts of a girl he likes a lot. He even has a base of operations in a tree house that is protected with some nifty defense systems as well as a gang that he meets along the way. By the end of the book, he’s not alone anymore but he has a lot riding on his shoulders.

So is this book appropriate for kids? First off, that’s the audience that it was written for, so you don’t have to feat any inappropriate behavior, imagery or language being displayed in this book. And to answer the question, yes, it’s appropriate for kids and everything comes together quite nicely and makes it a great read for any kid that’s craving some adventure. It can instill some useful lessons into kids and there are definitely some moral truths to be faced through this book as well. Zombies and the world post an apocalypse are themes that have gotten wildly popular over the past couple of years, with many people wanting to check out more content of that type. Here are the 10 best end of the world novels if you’re interested in this genre yourself.A Book About the End Of The World – Is It Appropriate For Kids? A Mum Reviews

For those that need another series of books to compare this one too, I recommend the Diary of a Wimpy Kid collection. It’s very similar to that, and you can spot some similarities in the way the stories are portrayed. They’re the kind of books that are obviously written for kids but try not to act too childish. There is a lot of bad media available on TV and online at the moment, but even if kids are exposed to themes such as zombies or the end of the world, it’s important and great that we can control it through books like this which present a lot of important traits along the way.

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