SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway

SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway A Mum Reviews

SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway

I come from a family of doctors and, when I was growing up, my mum always had a doctor’s kit with lots of useful items in case anyone in the family had an accident and needed medical attention. This was great at home and when we were travelling and saved us from having to go to a pharmacy or hospital many times. Being accident prone is also something that runs in my family we’re quite a clumsy bunch so it was a good thing that my mum was always prepared. My own children have inherited this clumsiness too…

For many years before having my own children, I worked with children as a private nanny so I’ve always carried plasters in my bag in case one of them hurt themselves or if I needed one myself which was much more likely! When I did the training and preparation to become a foster carer, one of the things we had to do to prepare our home was to equip ourselves with a complete first aid kit and that also highlighted the importance of being prepared for accidents and emergencies. It’s always better to be prepared and not end up needing anything, than to be unprepared and then have an accident. The effort to be prepared is never wasted.SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway A Mum Reviews

If you need help, phone 999 if it’s a serious accident or a more general accident contact number if you just need advice.

Nowadays, we also keep a first aid kit in the car and now we have a new first aid kit from SJ Works which is designed for bicycles but works just as well for prams and it can of course be used as you home or car first aid kit too. SJ Works has a great range of first aid kits to choose from so that you can easily find one for your needs.SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway A Mum Reviews

We have the SJ Works Classic Bicycle First Aid Kit. This first aid kit is designed to be attached to the triangle tube frame of your bike to ensure you have all the emergency first aid kit essentials to hand if you were to need them when out and about on your bike.SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway A Mum Reviews

The kit includes: the bag itself, a Red Cross first aid guide, antiseptic towelettes, easy access bandages in different sizes, butterfly would closures, sterile non-adherent pads, sterile non-woven sponges, sterile gauze pads, pressure bandages in different sizes, elastic bandage, sterile eye pad, triangular bandage, safety pins, medical grade vinyl gloves, first aid tape roll, SJ Works reflect strip, bandage scissors and a bonus emergency bike light.

It’s a great kit with everything you might need in case of an accident and thanks to the clever bag design it’s really easy to ensure you can always take it with you when you’re heading out on a bike ride.SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway A Mum Reviews

Giveaway: Win an SJ Works First Aid Kit!

For a chance to win an SJ WORKS Smart phone solution bicycle First Aid Kit (see details of that type of first aid kit here), enter through the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway will end on the 10th of September 2018 and is open to UK residents over the age of 18 years. Terms & Conditions apply. There will be two winners.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Samples provided for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own. Contains a sponsored link.


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