5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom

5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom A Mum Reviews

5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom

Relationships come with all kinds of peaks and troughs and it’s completely natural. Sometimes, though, when you are in a funk or a slump or feeling a little shy in the bedroom, it can start to leave a little mental and emotional imprint on the relationship.

You know your relationship best, but if you’re feeling a little out of your groove because of it, the chances are your partner is, too. Try to relax and try these 5 tips for overcoming confidence issues, from sildenafil tablets to couples therapy. If you’re looking for a more procedural method you can always opt to try Extracorporeal Therapy.

5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom

  • Medication

It’s very common, particularly for men, to experience changes in their bodily functions, which then impacts their confidence in the bedroom. Performance can become a little more inconsistent as you age, and that’s completely natural and should be nothing to worry about. However, toxic masculinity and unrealistic expectations for men mean that small changes like this, can really impact self-confidence. There are options for medications, but sildenafil tablets are popular. This is because they are the same as name brand Viagra, without the reputation (and therefore the price tag). And remember, just because you or your partner have experienced ED, does not mean that your intimate life will rely on medication.

5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom A Mum Reviews

  • Open Communication

Many people find it hard to talk about their sexual life with their partner. You should never be anxious to share how you’re feeling, particularly if you know it’s going to affect your intimate life. Your loving partner will not judge you.

If you do feel you will struggle to communicate your fears, anxieties or the physiological changes to your partner, you might consider couples or relationship therapy. This is not a sign that there is anything wrong or broken with your relationship, it’s just a controlled environment that allows both partners to air their concerns, with the mediation (and prompted assistance) of a trained, experienced professional.

Couple A Mum Reviews

  • Enjoy Time Alone Without Your Partner

If you are experiencing confidence issues, it might be because you’ve forgotten just how attractive you are. This is common with mums and parents who commonly take on a whole new identity when little ones come along. We know it’s hard to find the time, but sometimes just 20 minutes to ‘take a nap’ alone or enjoy a shower that’s a little longer than usual could help you rediscover and reclaim your body a little. This can release all the good chemicals and help re-build your confidence and your own identity to then share with your partner.

Couple A Mum Reviews

  • Clothes On Is A-Okay

Sometimes less is more, and sometimes more is more. Clothes on during bedroom antics can be exciting, adding a stolen-kiss atmosphere. If this is something that will make you feel more comfortable in the bedroom, it’s completely okay. You don’t even need to buy something new and lacy to enjoy it (although this is tried and true), you could be cheeky and borrow your partner’s clothes, like a baggy shirt, for example. This adds something new and exciting, without too much of a cost it’s also fun!

5 Ways To Overcome Confidence Issues In The Bedroom A Mum Reviews

  • Quality Time Together

Laughing and enjoying quality time with your partner is the best way to boost confidence, however you find you get there. It can be hard to carve out a chunk of time with kids around, but it is still really important. Small things can help with intimate confidence, it’s all about relaxing with the one you love.

Guest Article. Contains a sponsored link.

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