AW17 Wardrobe Essentials for Busy Mums | My Shopping List
|AW17 Wardrobe Essentials for Busy Mums | My Shopping List
As a mum, it’s easy to forget about yourself. I know I’m always shopping for clothes and shoes for my kids but often forgetting about updating my own wardrobe even when there are items that I’m obviously missing.
With the change in seasons, I’ve had to ensure the girls have all the things they need to stay warm and dry this autumn but I have yet to finish updating my clothes and shoes. I have bought myself a proper waterproof rain jacket though and recently picked up a pair of ankle boot style wellies for the school run from Aldi.
Here are some essentials that I still need to shop for:
- An autumn/winter coat | I have my rain coat and down coats for proper winter but I’ve not got a nice, warm coat that’s nice enough to wear when you’re a bit dressed up too. I used to wear my beloved leather jacket but it’s a bit tatty now! So, I’m looking for either a new stylish leather jacket, a long wool coat or a lined trench coat. Trench coats are perfect for the transitioning weather and work with any outfits.
- A new umbrella | When I’ve got the pram with me, I can’t carry an umbrella at the same time but sometimes I get out on my own too (not very often!) and other times I have my toddler in a baby carrier and for those occasions I’d love a new umbrella to protect us from the rain. It rains a lot in this country and a Cyclone umbrella which can handle strong winds would be ideal for the stormy autumn days that we often have.
- New knitwear | I need to update my knitwear this year! I just need a couple of cosy cardigans, preferably long ones with pockets. I’m a person who gets cold easily so layering is essential for me during the colder seasons.
- Scarf & Hat | I really need a new knitted hat and a new scarf this year to protect from the cold. I’ve already started using my old had and my leather gloves as I think it’s quite chilly in the mornings. I’m looking for a slouchy beanie style hat and a colourful, super soft scarf.
- Autumn Boots | I used to not bother with proper shoes but I’ve grown up now and make sure I have some comfortable ankle boots each year. Hush Puppies is my favourite brand for these kinds of shoes and I’ll probably choose them this year too.
Have you got any plans for updating your wardrobe this autumn?
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