Top 7 Kitchen Gadgets and Essentials for 2019

Top 7 Kitchen Gadgets and Essentials for 2019 A Mum Reviews

Top 7 Kitchen Gadgets and Essentials for 2019

A good kitchen is one that is set up with convenience in mind. Appliances are installed where they are most efficient to cut down on food preparation and cooking time. Due to the increase in technology, preparing meals is now easier than ever and there are some tools that are especially helpful.

Top 7 Kitchen Gadgets and Essentials for 2019 A Mum Reviews

Clever Ovens

Many ovens now have dual ovens that can be set to different temperatures. This makes cooking meals in the oven a lot more efficient. Many of these ovens can also monitor the temperature and will alert you when the food is done.

The Best Garbage Disposal

This is a great way to get rid of food scraps that would otherwise be put in the trash. Best garbage disposal grinds up the food and washes it down the drain. It keeps food odors from collecting in the trash. Smaller units will only work with soft foods. If you need to grind up vegetables and bones, you need to get a large horsepower unit.

Top 7 Kitchen Gadgets and Essentials for 2019 A Mum Reviews

A Smart Refrigerator

New models can now be accessed through your smart phone so that you will be able to check inside the unit while out shopping to determine your food needs. Expiration dates can be programmed into it and you can have alerts sent to your smartphone too. Different compartments can be programmed at their own temperatures too to ensure the best temperature for different types of food.

Microwave Oven

The newer microwave ovens have incorporated convection oven capabilities for extra cooking processes. With the addition of heating elements, you can bake, brown, toast, and even air fry foods. They also have built in sensors to keep from drying food out while cooking. You can also scan the bar-code and download cooking instructions for different foods on some of these new models!

The Modern Dishwasher

These appliances have become more effective with some models programmed to run during low energy use. They have a shorter run time while still getting dishes cleaner than before. There are filters installed to catch food particles, so they don’t return to the dishes during cleaning and the new dishwashers have adjustable racks for different purposes. A built-in drying feature will finish up the job nicely and save you lots of time too.

A Mum Reviews

New Coffee Makers

New coffee makers usually have a built-in timer, so your coffee is ready when you wake up. A lot of them grind their own beans which gives you more control over the strength and flavour of your favorite brew. Some of these brewers will customize each cup they make, so each individual can have their perfect cup of coffee.

Slow Cooker

High technology and slow cooking has merged to give you the best of both worlds. You can adjust these cookers using an app on your smart phone. The temperature can be adjusted up or down, can be turned to warm, or completely off. You can also receive an alert on your phone when the meal is done.

The kitchen of today is designed to make cooking easier than ever, especially for younger people. Appliances are designed to interact with your smartphone which enables you to download recipes and cooking instructions from the internet directly to the devices. As technology continues to infiltrate the kitchen, preparing meals might soon become automatic!

Guest Article. Contains a sponsored link.

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