Working Mother and the Precious Time with her Child

Working Mother and the Precious Time with her Child

Working Mother and the Precious Time with her Child

First of all, just because you work does not mean that you are a “bad mother”. Stop thinking about it all the time. Loving your job is obviously not a bad thing, nor do you need to feel bad about it. Do not forget that we do not work only for livelihood reasons. Work offers joy and creativity. It is also beneficial for the child to see his mother working.

Research from Harvard University in twenty-four countries has shown that the daughters of working mothers have higher wages and better careers than those raised by non-working mothers. According to the same research, the sons of working mothers are more involved in raising children and housework when they grow up.

In addition, when you work, you teach your children valuable lessons. Remember it is a working day for you. What problems do you face in the office, with the manager, with colleagues? These are transported, even unconsciously, home. Thus, you teach children how to manage problems better and how to negotiate. By asking their opinion on some of your concerns, you are helping them to use problem-solving skills. Of course, they also learn very well the equality of the two sexes. A little girl learns from her working mother to claim equal opportunities.

Working Mother and the Precious Time with her Child
  • What you can teach your children

As a working mother, you teach them how to achieve their goals. As they grow older, they see you claiming better working conditions. So they know how important the effort is. They set goals for the future. You are a positive role model. In addition, children who grow up with working mothers become more flexible and independent. Remember the day you did not take your child to a friend’s party because you were late for work or when you were late to collect him or her from the ballet class. Children are a little disappointed, but they learn to deal more efficiently with adversity. They also take on some household chores when the mother is away from home for work.

Working from home
  • Try not to bring your work home

It’s difficult, and you will probably not always succeed. There will be times when you will exchange emails with the manager or colleague to complete a project. Or you will constantly look at the cell phone if it rings if you need someone. But try it. Leave all work responsibilities in the office and not at home. When spending quality time with your child or children, be sure to turn off phones and computers so that you can focus on them.

But what about those mothers who work or want to work from home? In this case, things change. If the mother is looking for a job, then maybe she should turn to professions that allow her to apply her creativity while at the same time offering her flexibility. Such an ideal job is the profession of voice actress, which you can now practice from your own space, without any restrictions and with reasonably good pay. If you are interested in such a career, then you can visit Voquent’s website and discover great voice acting development opportunities.

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