How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally During Perimenopause and Menopause

How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally During Perimenopause and Menopause A Mum Reviews

How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally During Perimenopause and Menopause

Remember all those pre-parenthood dreams? The ones where you pictured yourself conquering yoga classes, whipping up gourmet meals, and finally having the time to read all those unread books? Chances are, life with tiny humans took a different turn. Between soccer practices, school runs, and that relentless cycle of laundry, self-care probably got shoved aside faster than an unwanted toy. But wait! Let´s not despair, ladies! Here’s the good news: just because your kids are building their own lives now doesn’t mean yours has to stay on hold. In fact, this might be the perfect time to reclaim your health and well-being as you begin your menopause. Read on to learn more about this phase in your life and how to balance your hormones naturally.

Why Menopause Matters (and Why it’s Not a Bad Word)

Your body is changing, and that’s a natural phase of life. Menopause, defined as one year without a period, typically occurs between 35 and 55 years old. During this transition, your body starts producing less estrogen, which can lead to a decrease in bone density, hot flashes, memory lapses and disappointing symptoms. But here’s the thing: menopause isn’t a disease, it’s a shift and many of the symptoms don´t have to last forever. And with the right approach, you can navigate it with grace (and maybe even ditch the fan for those hot flashes).

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Investing in Yourself: The Anti-Aging Secret

Think of this phase as an opportunity to prioritise your well-being. By focusing on healthy habits now, you can create a foundation for a vibrant future. Here are some tips:

  • Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Drastic changes can backfire, as if we resist what feels too much of a challenge. Start with small, sustainable shifts that fit into your lifestyle.
  • Rest is the Best: You’re not a superhero (despite all you’ve accomplished!).. To recharge, prioritise sleeping earlier than 10 pm bedtime, meditation, and walks in nature.  What I like to call sacred pauses in your day give your brain a chance to rejuvenate and de-stress from your day.
  • Digital Detox: Take a break from social media’s constant barrage. Instead, use this as a time to reconnect with yourself and buy yourself a new journal, far to many women bypass this, but it’s really the best conversation you´ll maybe have in the day.
  • Nourish Your Body: Ditch the processed junk and embrace whole, cooked foods seasoned with gentle spices.  In Ayurveda, we say food is medicine, and home-cooked food means less overeating and a more manageable body weight. 
  • Listen to Your Body: Learn to differentiate between tiredness and wired exhaustion. Rest when you need it!
  • The Power of “No”: You can’t help others from an empty cup. Learn to politely decline and focus on yourself.

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Ayurveda: Your Guide to a Calmer, Healthier You

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers valuable insights into navigating this phase. It associates menopause with Vata dosha, characterised by dryness and lightness. To balance Vata, consider these Ayurvedic practices:

  • Oiling: Use castor, sesame, or almond oil for skin, hair, and even enemas for the colon (with guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner).
  • Routine is Your Friend: Create a regular sleep, eating, and exercise schedule to reduce stress and promote calm.
  • Warm and Cozy: Choose nourishing, cooked foods that are easy to digest. Spices like cumin, fennel, and coriander can be helpful.

Remember, You’re Worth It!

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s essential. By prioritising your health and well-being, you create a platform for a vibrant and fulfilling future. So, reclaim your time, embrace your changing body, and discover a radiant new chapter in your life. The best part? You get to decide how it unfolds!

This is a guest article by Amrita Ma Devi, Cert. Ayurvedic Practitioner IPHM.

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