Coeliac Insider – The New Website all about Coeliac Disease
Coeliac Insider – The New Website all about Coeliac Disease
Let’s say a big welcome to the new website! Coeliac Insider is the new go-to website for advice and information about Coeliac Disease.
Here in the UK, it is estimated that 1 in every 100 people suffer from Coeliac disease but only 24% of this number is clinically diagnosed. This means that there are about half a million people in the UK with undiagnosed Coeliac disease, struggling with unexplained, uncomfortable symptoms including bloating, heartburn, itchy skin rashes, mouth ulcers and more.

Having undiagnosed Coeliac disease can severely impact your life quality which is why it is so important to get a diagnosis. Once you have a diagnosis, you can get to the bottom of the symptoms you’ve been having that may be linked to the disease and make the changes needed to feel better and improve your health and your quality of life.
Coeliac disease is different from food allergies and food intolerances. This disease can affect many different parts of your body – not just your gut and the rest of your digestive tract – which is why lots of people don’t realise it’s Coeliac disease that may be causing their symptoms. Delayed diagnosis is very common for people suffering with Coeliac disease – the average time it takes to be diagnosed is 13 years which is a very long time for something like this.

The new website Coeliac Insider, brought to you by Thermo Fisher Scientific, has been created to help people find out if they have Coeliac disease, learn about the disease and what it means to live with this diagnosis. The website is packed with useful advice and helpful information for people who are worried they might have the disease or are worried about a friend or a family member. There’s also a section for clinicians.
Head over to to explore this new, much-needed educational resource to learn about Coeliac disease, the symptoms of the disease and how to avoid more serious future health issues.
Features a gifted bowl and spoon set to celebrate the website launch.