SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway
|SJ Works Bicycle First Aid Kits Review & Giveaway
I come from a family of doctors and, when I was growing up, my mum always had a doctor’s kit with lots of useful items in case anyone in the family had an accident and needed medical attention. This was great at home and when we were travelling and saved us from having to go to a pharmacy or hospital many times. Being accident prone is also something that runs in my family — we’re quite a clumsy bunch so it was a good thing that my mum was always prepared. My own children have inherited this clumsiness too…
For many years before having my own children, I worked with children as a private nanny so I’ve always carried plasters in my bag in case one of them hurt themselves or if I needed one myself — which was much more likely! When I did the training and preparation to become a foster carer, one of the things we had to do to prepare our home was to equip ourselves with a complete first aid kit and that also highlighted the importance of being prepared for accidents and emergencies. It’s always better to be prepared and not end up needing anything, than to be unprepared and then have an accident. The effort to be prepared is never wasted.
If you need help, phone 999 if it’s a serious accident or a more general accident contact number if you just need advice.
Nowadays, we also keep a first aid kit in the car and now we have a new first aid kit from SJ Works which is designed for bicycles but works just as well for prams and it can of course be used as you home or car first aid kit too. SJ Works has a great range of first aid kits to choose from so that you can easily find one for your needs.
We have the SJ Works Classic Bicycle First Aid Kit. This first aid kit is designed to be attached to the triangle tube frame of your bike to ensure you have all the emergency first aid kit essentials to hand if you were to need them when out and about on your bike.
The kit includes: the bag itself, a Red Cross first aid guide, antiseptic towelettes, easy access bandages in different sizes, butterfly would closures, sterile non-adherent pads, sterile non-woven sponges, sterile gauze pads, pressure bandages in different sizes, elastic bandage, sterile eye pad, triangular bandage, safety pins, medical grade vinyl gloves, first aid tape roll, SJ Works reflect strip, bandage scissors and a bonus emergency bike light.
It’s a great kit with everything you might need in case of an accident and thanks to the clever bag design it’s really easy to ensure you can always take it with you when you’re heading out on a bike ride.
Giveaway: Win an SJ Works First Aid Kit!
For a chance to win an SJ WORKS Smart phone solution bicycle First Aid Kit (see details of that type of first aid kit here), enter through the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway will end on the 10th of September 2018 and is open to UK residents over the age of 18 years. Terms & Conditions apply. There will be two winners.
Samples provided for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own. Contains a sponsored link.
Yes, once when at the park when my son ran in front of the swings and was kicked over by a swinger! Luckily he only suffered from cuts and bruises!
Many a time ! This would be so useful ( put my twitter name instead of tweet
Yes,when my son was a toddler he fell over and grazed his knee.It didn’t look much but developed into cellulitis.If I had had a first aid kit with me,I could have treated the graze.
When my son tripped up on an uneven pavement and cut his knee badly I wasn’t prepared
Yes, we’ve had a lot of scrapes and bruises when we’ve been out and about.
Lucky touch wood, not yet x
whilst on holiday in spain my daughter cut her toe open , a quick trip to the chemist and panic was over but would have been alot less stressful with a first aid kit on hand
yes quite often when out and about
Yes that’s why I take the wife who is nurse.
nothing serious but when mountain biking has been useful to have a few plasters and antiseptic cream to hand
Yes I have and I froze initially as I was so shocked. Everyone should carry something to help with small accidents.
2 times when attending accidents
not really use the plasters for minor nicks usually
Yes, my son’s first tester day at nursery.. As we were leaving he fell over and burst all his lips :(
When I was hiking in new boots and got blisters
Sometimes I wish I had plasters on the go
not yet luckily! x
Yes, there are many times I wished I had a plaster with me
Yeah many times – always plasters
When my son cut his hand on a wine glass during speeches at a wedding
Well we have taken them and needed them occasionally on holiday but never needed one when we didn’t have one
Yes. With 5 kids it happens frequently, I really should be better organised!
All time with my boys, I need one attached to my Pram!
yes I was bitten 4 times on the chin this summer and my face blew up like I had been in a boxing ring.
I’m sure I must have been but I can’t think of any!
All the time. Never have a first aid kit to hand when I need one
Had an insect bite a few weeks ago. Wish I had one of these with me
Thankfully not yet.
Everytime I cut or burn myself cooking lol!!
Yes, and was even more annoyed that I did have one but had left it at home
yes when my son tripped and cut his knee while were walking from school
Not yet, touch wood and fingers crossed!
Yes a few times I got stung by a hornet at the seaside plus I pulled a hamstring in my leg running in the park with my grandson I could have done with something handy
Yes a cut and bumped head at the park, it would have been much better if we had had a first aid kit with us!
nothing serious but could have done with a plaster on the odd occasion
I’m ridiculously clumsy so many times I’ve found myself with a scrape or cut that really should have been seen to! We also go on family camping trips and I can’t count the number of times we’ve forgotten to take a first aid kit and had to ask the campsite or neighbours for plasters or antiseptic wipes!
I’ve been around a few incidents involving cutting feet on glass in waterways and ponds.
I’m always going through plasters for my fingers but nothing more serious, luckily!
I’ve been lucky so far as it’s been nothing too serious.
No, but I do take a small first aid kit with me in the car.
Yes, just when generally out and about and someone gets a cut, bitten by an insect etc. I’ve started carrying the essential bits with me but a kit would be so handy!
When my 4 year old fell of his bike and badly grazed his face. Fortunately a neighbour helped me out. This prize would be so useful.
Yes, I’m always in a situation where I wished that I had a first aid kit. I’m so clumsy and always injuring myself.
So often, especially on holiday
Yes lots of times.
Yes, when my husband sliced his foot open from an old wreck on a beach
yes when i got a spot on my neck
Not yet! Have one in the house, plus bits and pieces in my capacous handbag when we go out but I’ve never thought about when we are cycling. I will now. Thanks for the post
I’ve had a few mishaps this summer when I could have used something I had a hornet sting for one then racing in the park with my four year old grandson I tore a hamstring in the back of my knee
More times than I care to mention!
This would be ideal for holidays!
Yes and I had the first aid kit.
this morning at my son’s footie game!!
Not yet, thank goodness! It never hurts to be prepared though.
We were on a family bike ride down a The lovely cuckoo trail which is gorgeous but remote when William had a fall , so much blood, fortunately it wasn’t serious but really needed stuff to clean it with and plasters that day
I have a clumsy great niece so, always good to have one when she’s around
Every time I go out wearing high heels
Yes last week one of the kids got stung by a wasp and we didn’t have a first aid kit with us!
Yes when out at a rugby match and one of the children tripped and cut their chin
I use plasters all the time luckily not needed anything more with my 2 girls
Yes, when I couldn’t find a plaster ANYWHERE!
Thankfully I’ve never been in a situation where I needed one.
I got stung in the middle of nowhere once and couldn’t get the sting out…I wishes I had some tweezer and antihistamines!
I guess I have been lucky not to have witnessed any incident whereby I was the only person who could help.
I always need plasters on the go!!
Yes quite often
I once took all the skin off my knee when I fell off my bike.
Yes x