When to Replace Your Child’s Mattress? – A Helpful Guide

When to Replace Your Child's Mattress? - A Helpful Guide

When to Replace Your Child’s Mattress? – A Helpful Guide | AD

A mattress for grown ups should last around 7-10 years before it needs replacing. When it comes to mattresses for children it’s a bit different though. In this guide we will explore when to replace your child’s mattress. Read on to find out more.

Simba Hybrid Mattress Single for kids

How long do children’s mattresses last?

Children grow so quickly and their mattress needs change depending on what stage of childhood they are in. Because of this, your child’s mattress is likely to need replacing a bit more frequently than for an adult.

Also, it’s likely that your child will start with a cot bed, then move onto a toddler bed or first bed, before having their first proper single bed to last them through their childhood. Once they have their first proper bed, the first mattress for this should last 7-10 years if it’s of good quality.

Other things come into consideration for children’s mattresses too. Often mattresses aimed towards children are a bit thinner and less supportive. For this reason, a more supportive mattress might be needed once your child reaches their tween/teen years.

Mattresses for younger children are likely to have more wear and tear than mattresses for older children and adults too. Vomiting bugs and bed wetting can be common occurrences for example.

New mattress from simba

When to upgrade your child’s mattress?

If you are wondering whether it’s time for a new mattress for your child, there are signs to look out for. Perhaps the mattress feels lumpy and no longer supportive. Or maybe it’s simply too small or thin for your child’s age/height/weight – kids do grow all the time! Other signs could be that your child doesn’t seem to sleep as well anymore or that they have aches and pains after sleeping on their mattress. Lastly, if the mattress is simply old and has been around for 10 years, the hygienic option is to replace it.

We have just upgraded our tween’s mattress. She has had an IKEA mattress for the past 6 years and it doesn’t feel supportive enough anymore. Our daughter is getting close to her teenage years and growing quickly. We felt that she needed something more supportive to help her sleep better and more comfortably.

For her new mattress, we chose the Simba Hybrid Mattress Original in a Single size. This is the mattress that you can see in the photos in this article. Simba mattresses are available in UK sizes (such as simba mattress – king) and European sizes too. We recently upgraded our own mattress to a Simba Hybrid mattress which we are so happy with so we knew this was a great choice for our daughter too.

When to Replace Your Child's Mattress? - A Helpful Guide

How to dispose of your old mattress?

Once you have decided to replace your child’s mattress, you might be wondering how to dispose of a mattress to get rid of your old one. There are a few options for this and the best one for you will depend on the condition of the mattress.

If the mattress is worn and at the end of its life, then you can dispose of it responsibly by taking it to your local tip, booking a bulky waste collection, or using a mattress removal service. Simba also provides their own mattress recycling services.

If the mattress has simply been outgrown or doesn’t fit your bed set up anymore but is otherwise fine, you can donate it to a charity or ask friends and family if they could use it.


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