3 Creative Hobbies to Rest the Mind
3 Creative Hobbies to Rest the Mind
Art therapy is a psychotherapeutic practice that involves using artistic creation for self-care. The goal is to free oneself from daily stress by engaging in a creative hobby that helps rest the mind. This allows you to take time for yourself, relax, and regulate emotions. There is a multitude of artistic practices that fall within this framework.
Paint by Numbers
Paint by numbers is a popular activity in the UK that appeals to all. It rekindles the creativity of both the young and the old and helps to soothe the mind. This creative hobby is suitable for all levels of practice. You don’t need to be a great artist to succeed in a paint by numbers project. For those who participate, the result is immediate and visible. The activity is suitable for people looking for challenges, as well as those who need help relaxing and staying zen.
In practice, paint by numbers involves painting a pre-printed canvas divided into small areas. These areas or parts are numbered, and a colour is assigned to each of them. The principle of this form of painting is to apply the corresponding colour to each area according to the number indicated.
What needs to be understood about this creative hobby is that every artwork is made from a wide variety of shapes and colours. The numbering of the canvas allows you to paint various shapes to achieve a harmonious artistic result. As can be seen on Figured’Art, to paint by numbers, you need a dedicated kit available on specialized websites. This pack often includes:
- a numbered linen canvas (a wide choice of canvases is available on websites)
- brushes
- a wooden frame
- a suspension kit
- numbered paint pots
- a photo showing the expected final result
For those looking to rest their minds, paint by numbers can be seen as a playful form of art therapy. When practiced with someone suffering from a chronic illness, it helps them decompress and relax. It is therefore very beneficial for those who need rest and those who want to develop their ability to concentrate. Similarly, choosing to paint with numbers can provide an accessible starting point for individuals who feel uncertain about their creative abilities. Over time, this steady, deliberate approach can foster a calm focus, allowing each brushstroke to contribute to a more mindful, restorative state of mind.

Known as diamond painting, diamond embroidery, or diamond art, this is an excellent stress-relieving creative hobby. It involves creating beautiful relief paintings by sticking small, colourful rhinestones onto a self-adhesive canvas. This is a manual activity that allows you to create a 3D diamond embroidery painting by following the colours and pattern drawn on the canvas and placing the coloured rhinestones accordingly. The support prepared for the creation of the work is indeed printed with a pattern to reproduce in a grid.
In the realm of creative hobbies, this activity is one of the most relaxing and exciting. It is both fun and inexpensive. To get good deals, those who want to practice it can consult certain platforms dedicated to promoting this hobby to take advantage of cheap diamond painting kit offers. The patterns available for customer enjoyment are numerous and varied, and there is something for everyone (cat, dog, horse, Disney diamond embroidery, etc.).
Moreover, it is possible to find reproductions of well-known artworks on the market, such as paintings by Klimt or Van Gogh, for example. What makes 3D embroidery particularly interesting is that it is an activity for all ages and levels. The technique it is based on is relatively simple, and you can start with small paintings before dedicating yourself to larger formats. It is an exercise that allows you to relax and test your patience.

Cross-Stitch Embroidery
Cross-stitch embroidery is a technique that enhances embroidery. It is a fascinating pastime and creative activity. It lies halfway between traditional embroidery and diamond painting. Cross-stitch is a type of embroidery made in the form of Xs on divided squares of fabric that form a pattern when combined. To create this, you need creative patterns that use many small Xs sewn together in fabric squares, forming flat patterns.
Ready-to-stitch kits are available to make the task easier. Various techniques can be used to create cross-stitch embroidery, but each kit guides users to start confidently with the simplest methods. Existing designs on the market for this activity range from modern to contemporary. Depending on preferences, one can choose, for example, between an animal pattern or a representation of artwork. In terms of playfulness, cross-stitch embroidery is a hobby that helps develop imagination and encourages creativity. It is ideal for relaxing and calming the mind.