Bepanthen Review & Giveaway – Win a Bundle Including a £50 Gift Card
|Bepanthen Review & Giveaway – Win a Lovely Bundle Including a £50 Gift Card
Bedtime with one child was definitely a bit less complicated than with two but I feel like we’ve got it under control now. Until recently, our youngest, who will be two years old in May, would only settle with me but now she’s happy when her dad puts her to bed too so that offers us more flexibility. Our eldest is four years old and she’s happy with either as long as we read a book!
If they both go to bed smoothly like they do on most days, then we get our evening to ourselves to relax and watch TV. Some days I even get to have a nice bubble bath! What do you like to do when the kids are in bed? Read, watch something on TV, play games like the ones on Megareel or simply get some sleep yourself?
We’re not super strict about our bedtime routine but it usually goes something like this:
- Dinner
Most days we eat dinner together at around 6pm and are usually done by 6.30-6.45pm depending on how slowly our eldest decides to eat.
- Wind-Down
After dinner, we go into the living room and play for a bit or watch a little bit of TV. The Simpsons is a favourite for this time of day. We keep the lights quite dim and I try to get the children to play calmly but they love climbing on their dad when he’s home from work so the calm I dream of usually doesn’t happen at this time.
- Get Ready
Around 7.15-7.30pm, I’ll get the girls’ sleepwear ready and get a night time cloth nappy for our youngest. Our eldest needs to be creamed twice a day on her legs and arms to avoid eczema flare-ups so we always do this when we change her out of and into pyjamas.
I change our youngest’s nappy and apply a thin layer of Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment to protect her skin from the causes of nappy rash. The overnight nappy is worn for 12 hours (which is a really long time for one nappy!) and can understandably lead to some irritation – so it’s always best to take preventative actions and ensure the area stays clean, hydrated and protected from nappy rash. Using gentle baby wipes and baby bath products will also help keep your baby’s skin in good condition.
The award-winning Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment is the only leading nappy care ointment that meets all the nine gold standards of an ideal nappy care product which are:
- Clinically proven for babies’ delicate skin.
- Enhances the natural protection of the skin.
- Maintains optimum moisture levels.
- Does not contain any unnecessary ingredients.
- Contains ingredients that have documented safety and benefits.
- Is free from any potentially toxic ingredients.
- Is free from any sensitisers such as fragrances.
- Does not contain any antiseptics or preservatives.
- Is pleasant to use!
- Time for Bed
Sometimes one of us will take both girls to bed and sometimes we’ll take one each in separate rooms. Our youngest still sleeps in our bedroom – in a cot for half of the night, then she usually joins us in the big bed. She falls asleep in our bed or in her big sister’s bed if we’re in her room.
Upstairs, we will brush the girls’ teeth and my eldest will go for a pee before bed to ensure she can go all night without needing the toilet.
We pretty much always read books as we’re all book crazy! Our eldest loves to choose the books from her book shelf. We have quite a good collection as I believe children can never have too many books and I want to encourage an interest in reading. We read 1-3 books, then we turn the lights off and sometimes sing a few songs before the girls fall asleep.
I then transfer our youngest to her own bed and put the baby monitor on. Done!
You might have noticed the absence of a bath in this routine. Our girls have sensitive skin so they have a bath every 2-3 days to not dry their skin out. I like to give them their bath in the afternoon instead of in the evening because it’s much more relaxing and enjoyable that way. In the afternoon, the girls are not as tired (and I’m not as tired!) and it’s all so much less stressful as we’re not rushing after dinner to squeeze a bath in before bed. It works much better for us. On the days when the girls have a bath, I will put their lotions and pyjamas on straight afterwards so that one step of our bedtime routine is already done.
Giveaway – Win a Lovely Bepanthen Bundle Including a £50 Gift Card
For a chance to win a lovely Bepanthen bundle including the items below, enter my Rafflecopter further down. There will be one winner. Terms & Conditions apply. UK Entrants only. The prize will be sent out directly from the brand. The giveaway ends on the 17th of May 2018.
The bundle includes the following items:
- £50 John Lewis voucher
- A 6-month supply of Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment
- A Bepanthen cuddly toy (either an elephant or a dragonfly)
Rafflecopter Terms and Conditions:
The giveaway is for 1 x baby bundle, consisting of a six-months supply of Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment, a cuddly toy and a £50 John Lewis voucher voucher. The giveaway closes at 12.00am (GMT) on the 17th of May 2018 and is open to UK entrants over the age of 18 years.
The winner will be selected at random using Rafflecopter and contacted within three days of the giveaway closing. The winner has 28 days to claim their prize and provide their contact details. The prize will be sent to the winner directly from Bepanthen within ten working days of the prize being claimed by the winner. The prize is non-transferable. There is no cash alternative. The giveaway is run by A Mum Reviews in conjunction with Bepanthen.
*This post is sponsored by Bepanthen. Contains a sponsored link.
Bedtime storytime x
Bed time storys
Cuddles and story time with my son before bedtime
We love cuddle and story time, I secretly enjoy it more than they do xXx
the snuggles
snuggletime with my little girl after her bath :)
I love reading a story as we all cuddle up together
A cuddle and a story,I love being snuggled up with them and reading them a story.
My favourite part is reading the bedtime story and hearing her giggles :) x
Reading a bedtime book.
Reading and cuddles is the best
cuddles in bed ;)
stories and a little song are my favs
My favourite part is reading a story in bed – it’s a lovely time.
It’s great to read what others do around bedtime and compare to our little routine
Definitely reading a bedtime story
Snuggles and story time.
Has to be storytime
would be a treat for nieces!
I love putting my little ones up to their bed after a relaxing bath, Seeing them dose off as I read them a magical bed time story :)
Mine were always bath, bottle, bed with me singing or a story book
i like wrapping my son in a blanket and putting him on my lap to dry him he looks so cute
storytime and cuddles!
Bathtime and cuddles x
reading them a bedtime story x
Storytelling and snuggling up to sleep
Definitely reading together – it’s such an incredibly bonding experience.
bed time story. My toddler twinnies love join in.
Lots of cuddles and reading to my little princess is the favourite part of our bedtime routine.
The bathtime – the kids have lots of bath toys and play together with bubbles.
Storytime, although after reading the same book for the hundreth time my mind begins to wander!
Story time because it’s nice to have a snuggle and be calm :)
Reading a story
Reading and cuddles
cuddles at storytime
Has to be bed time story all snuggled up and in a cuddly mood
Definitely bedtime story
Story time
I love their funny bedtime ‘chants’ I have to say! They’re very long & specific, and only I know them off by heart…daddy needs it written down! My son’s is called ‘No Dreams for Aidan’ and my daughter’s is called ‘Izzy Loves’ :-)
Bedtime stories!
I love reading them their bedtime books, both boys have to choose one and they have such differing tastes
fun in the bath with my little girl
Cuddling them goodnight.
Reading a story to the children.
I don’t have children but would love to enter for my for my best friend, who is expecting her first baby.
cuddles and stories
Our child’s favourite bedtime routine was a lovely, bubbly bath… The bubbles tired them out as they get so excited! When they are drying, a little, light massage to relax, a warm drink and a bed time story… Preferably Kipper!
I love story time!
Bedtime bath and the giggles when I rub in the shampoo
The bedtime story is my favourite part of the bedtime routine.
I loved reading to my daughter, and I can still recite The Tiger Who Came to Tea and she’s 27 now! I wasn’t so keen on Thomas the Tank Engine though, I’ve no idea why it appealed to her so much.
My favourite part is definitely story time! :)
Bath time! They love being in the water x
Cuddles and reading.
We love story time and snuggles
reading a story
Reading a story, I love children’s stories
My favourite part is when they get out of the water and you put them in clean snuggly pj’s
Bedtime story
My granddaughter loves her bath time
Snuggle huggle story time, I miss that! My daughter is 17 now, this is for my niece and nephew
Reading a bedtime story
When she was tiny, I used to love watching her fall asleep in my arms and then I would carry her to bed and tuck her in, then when she got a little bit older, I would love just sitting and watching her drift off to sleep in her toddler bed and later, when she got even older, it was either reading to her or telling her a bespoke made up story that she could join in with and use her imagination, then I would quietly watch her fall asleeep, she always looked so happy and peaceful.
Having a cuddle in bed with them and reading a story ?
reading a bedtime story together
Story time is my favourite part of their bedtime routine.
story time all snuggled up
Story time
Love the quiet time together, the cuddles and that last sleepy feed
Story time and reading and sharing stories so much fun and there’s so much bonding too
story time is my favourite
For me its definitely the bedtime story! I love sitting in the dark with just the night light on and reading to them and watching them drift off to sleep!
bath time! my little boy loves having a bath and squeals in excitement :)
Got to be the Sleepy cuddles!
Bath Time – water play is so relaxing and the scent of the baby soap and shampoo!
Story time! I love it as much as they do!
Bath time and cuddles x
Bath time with the soothing Lavendar and water play
My daughter falling asleep in my arms and watching her having one of her many dreams!
Kiss and cuddles and reading a bedtime story were we all join in.
Bedtime Stories all snuggled up together
Liked bath time and then getting them snuggled up in fresh pj’s x
i always hold my sons hand and sing twinkle little star hes so cute fab giveaway thankyou x
Bath, bottle, cuddles and story then bed!
When they finally fall asleep and I get some time to relax.
Storytelling and cuddle
Kisses and cuddles
the book reading
For me it has to be watching my little one fall asleep as we cuddle up!
Story time …it’s a great way to bond with your child x
Bedtime stories
that moment they actually fall asleep lol
Story time
Watching them nod off.
Snug time!
Reading stories together!
has to be story time and a cuddle
Making a baby burrito as we wrap her in a towel after bath time
Reading a bed time story
definitly storytime and snuggles
Snuggle time and story time.
Definitely story time – unless it’s a story I don’t like!
Talking about our day.
Last kiss and cuddle of the night
Reading a book and night night kisses.
We love story time and and singing songs
Bedtime story
Definitely cuddles and the bed time story!
My favourite is saying Night Night sleep tight and I love you and to hear the words I love you Mummy nothing compares to that.
Cuddles of course
My favourite part of the conversations we have about what’s been happening during the day
cuddling up together for storytime
definitely the story, he’s always calm then!
I love snuggling up with the kids to read a bedtime story with warm milk and cookies x
reading them a story
Tucking them into bed after their bed time story is a nice finish to the day.
the story and snuggles xxx
Stories and snuggles!
Bedtime story
Same as most people I suspect we love story time.
Bedtime story and cuddles
I love the bedtime cuddles, it’s so peaceful and sweet – my fave time of day x
Being Asleep
Definitely a bed time story followed by cuddles, can’t beat that feeling!
Definitely the book bit, he loves reading
I love the cuddles
I love the sleepy cuddles, just after bathtime and just before bedtime .x
Good night kiss and cuddle. There’s always time for one more hug.
My favourite part of the bedtime routine is after the bath when we have story time
I love bed time story.
Reading a bedtime book.
The bedtime story is the best.
Snuggling up when reading the bedtime story :)
A story and cuddle
Reading the bedtime story
definitely the group hug from both kids!
Good night cuddles is my favourite part of my child’s bedtime routine.
Kissing toys goodnight
The bedtime story, song and cuddles
cuddles and kisses and talking about the day
Cuddles and story in mummy’s bed; BEST thing in the world!
I’m a big fan of bed time stories.
Reading the bedtime story especially if it’s anew one!
Snuggle time. They both fit perfectly in my arms and love a cuddle
Cuddling up and having a bedtime story is my favourite part!
I love the stories – we love sharing them together
Bedtime stories
Story time,after bath time x
Definitely the cuddles and hugs I get from my baby Charlie
looks wonderful and relaxing
The stories and cuddles.
Story time
Cuddles !
The sleepy snuggles <3
Him falling asleep with his arm around me or holding my hand xx
i love our story time and tucking her up
Cuddles and reading together.
With our granddaughter we follow the “bath, book, bed” routine, although it usually ends up being several books, and a discussion. I enjoy all parts of it, especially the little conversations we have about what we did during the day or what we’re going to do the next day. I agree with you about the importance of using nappy cream at night. Our granddaughter is potty trained but still wears a nappy to bed, so we always use a cream as a barrier to stop her skin getting sore.
A good old bedtime story and hearing about my son’s day at school.
Bedtime story time x
Cuddles after bathtime
the cuddles and giggles
I love story time, it’s love to have uninterrupted times with the children ?
Story time is the best
I love cuddles before bed – definitely the best part of the day for me x
Bath time is my fave, all clean for cuddles
story time
Bathtime – she loves splashing and it is sooo funny :)
story time we love books!
When they were babies I loved bath time and then doing some baby massage, still enjoy the wind down stage of the evening with bath,story and cuddles
Bedtime cuddles and story is the best part if the day
My favorite part of the bedtime routine is definitely story time. It’s lovely getting to spend that quality time together.
Bedtime story. We’ve laughed and cried over ours but always a must
Love cosying up for bedtime story
Reading a bedtime story and bedtime cuddles
Cuddles and reading a bed time story x
story time trouble is make me sleepy lol
Cuddles and story
they love the bath before bed
Storytime :)
The bedtime story is the best part
We have a cuddle and chat in our bed before he heads off to his own room
My son would tell me a story as he was going to sleep. He would tell me one and then I would read a story to him until he fell asleep!
Bath then snuggles with a good bedtime story
A bath time x
I love cuddling up for a bedtime story even more so when they fall asleep in m y arms
Bathing them!
My favourite part is when they are finally asleep and I get some time to myself!