Bullet News App Review – Trusted News In 10 Seconds
|Bullet News App Review – Trusted News In 10 Seconds
Before I became a mum and started working from home, I used to be really good at keeping up with the news because I would always read the newspaper on my way to work or on my break.
Since the change in my lifestyle I try to watch the news on the telly in the morning to keep up with the world but some days I miss most of it because I’m looking after my toddler who needs food, milk, nappy change, clothes and playing straight away in the morning.
I’ve been introduced to a new app that helps me solve this problem and lets me catch up with the news in seconds — Bullet News.
You can get the free app for iPhones/iPad from the App Store, for Android devices from Google Play or from the Amazon App Store.
You can set the app to alert you if there’s breaking news. There’s no spam and you’ll only be notified of really big news and only with a bar across the top of the screen.
I love that you can personalise your news and choose which topics you want to read about. I chose UK, World, Tech and Entertainment since I’m interested in those but not bothered about sport news and business news. This ensures most of the news in my personalised version of the app are of interest to me.
Above you can see what the flow of news looks like on the main screen. I’ve highlighted the piece I wanted to read in my screen shot. In this view, you see the headlines of the articles, the category, the time and the source of the news.
When you spot something you want to read more about, you just click the headline and get to a view with more information in a bullet point format that is really quick and easy to take in. You can swipe to get to the previous or next article to quickly read more news.
If you want to read even more after reading the bullet point style article you simply click “Read more on … ” and that takes you straight to the source and the original, longer article. This is a brilliant feature of the app!
I find Bullet News very useful for my lifestyle and I’m sure it would be for most people who lead a busy life but still want to keep up with what’s going on in the world. I check the app a few times a day now when I have a minute spare and I feel more connected to the world and since I’ve set it to alert me when something big happens, I know I’m not missing out on important news that I should know about. The app is so easy to use, too — it’s really been designed well.
I highly recommend this app! Read more on BulletNews.net.
I’ll receive a small gift voucher as a token of thanks for reviewing this app on my blog.