Coronavirus Travel | Reasons to Consider an Air Charter Service
Coronavirus Travel | Reasons to Consider an Air Charter Service
Naturally, the pandemic has made travelling much more complicated. We have seen many lockdown rules and a traffic light system from the government to help us know where it’s relatively safer to travel too. It’s essential to be aware of the pandemic safety measures, tourism legislations and the areas that are at a greater COVID-19 risk. And let’s not forget about the new variant that has now led to further vaccinations being done quickly before the holidays.
Many countries are still limiting travel with border and airport closures and travel prohibitions with penalties and fines for breaking the rules. Lots of people want to travel but the risk of being so close to lots of strangers at a time like this, in a cramped aeroplane, is not appealing. The airport itself poses an even greater risk as it brings people from all over the world closely together. Even with facemasks and social distancing, it’s still very risky.

If you do want to travel in a more safe way, while things are still the way they are, you might want to consider an air charter service, as air charter escapes know no bounds and will allow you to avoid many of the worries of regular, commercial air travel like being too close to people on the plane and in the air port and flights that could potentially be cancelled at any time due to things that are out of your control.

Compared to flying with commercial airlines, there are many benefits to using private jet charter providers like Private Jet Charter instead:
- Larger selection of airports: Commercial airlines can only fly to a limited number of airports for several reasons (including the size of the aircraft) while a private plane has access to a much more significant number of airports – both private and commercial, large and small. This means that you can get closer to your destination too.
- The scheduling is better: With a private aeroplane and an air chartering service, you can choose your own departure time which means you don’t have to spend a lot of time at the airport. Commercial flights are subject to many circumstances that can cause delays while you don’t need to worry about this when flying private. Just arrive shortly before the scheduled time and you’re ready to go.
- Less stress and hassle: A holiday should be a relaxing experience but flying commercial is anything but relaxing. Getting to the airport in time to check in several hours before the departure, flights that can get delayed or cancelled even at the last minute, unruly fellow passengers and don’t forget the potential of arriving at your destination and discovering your suitcase has been lost along the way! These problems are simply not there when you charter a private jet, and you can actually start to relax while you’re still travelling.
It’s hard to predict what things are going to be like in the future but currently airlines are slashing flights by up to 90% and we don’t know when things are going to return to normal again so that people can attend their international business meetings, visit family and friends abroad, go on their long-awaited holidays and weekends away. For now, many people are choosing to travel privately to keep their families safe and to be able to get to where they need to go.
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