Easy & Healthy Swaps to Incorporate into your Routine
Easy & Healthy Swaps to Incorporate into your Routine
Often, making changes to your lifestyle to be more healthy can feel really overwhelming. That’s usually because people try to do too much in one go which is not always sustainable. If you wan’t to eat less sugar or drink less alcohol for example, don’t cut it out completely, just cut down gradually. In this post, I’ll share a few healthy swaps that are easy to incorporate into your routine.

- Swap Cereal for Porridge
Changing your whole diet completely would be a big change. A simple start is to make sure your breakfast is healthy and porridge is one of the best healthy breakfasts. It can be made with any kind of milk or water and you can add flavours that you enjoy. My favourite is to have cinnamon, bananas and a little bit of syrup for sweetness on mine.

- Swap a Fizzy Drink or a Cocktail for a Gusto Super DC
If you’re someone who enjoys fizzy drinks or a few cocktails at the weekend, swap some for Gusto Super DC instead. They are refreshing healthy sparkling drinks with added vitamins. They do not contain refined sugars, artificial sweeteners nor preservatives. Instead they are full of goodness from apple juice and white grape which add a natural sweetness. The drinks contain high strength vitamins D and C, together with vitamins A, K, Zinc and Folic Acid to give you a daily vitamin boost to help keep your immune system in good condition.
High in antioxidants, Super DC contains a mega dose of Vitamin D (200% RI) and Vitamin C (2500% RI) known for their immune boosting properties, hence the Super DC name.
The drinks are super tasty, low in calories (just 60 calories per can) and created with the finest botanical ingredients such as Elderberry, White Mulberry, Blackcurrant and Acerola Cherry. The two flavours currently available are Super DC Blackcurrant and Elderberry and Super DC Blood Orange. They’re available here and from some independent retailers too.

- Swap a Coffee for a Herbal or Green Tea
A bit of caffeine is good for you but too much of it and it can leave you feeling wired! If you drink a lot of coffee, swap one or two of your daily coffees for a herbal tea or a green tea instead. My favourite herbal tea brand is PUKKA. These teas have many health benefits and antioxidants and some even have a calming effect.

- Swap Chocolate for Trail Mix
Chocolate and sweets are things most of us enjoy and that’s completely fine in moderation. If you’re struggling with sweet cravings, try having some trail mix (mix of nuts and dried fruits and sometimes a small amount of chocolate) available to snack on when a craving kicks in. This is a much healthier option as nuts and fruits have many more nutritional benefits. It’s tasty too! You can make your own trail mix or buy ready made mixes.

- Swap a Sugar Fix for a Short Brisk Walk
Another way to combat a sugar craving – especially those that come in the middle of the afternoon because you’re feeling tired and just feel like you need a little pick me up to get through until the end of the work day – is to go for a short brisk walk instead. Just a quick stroll around the block to get your body moving and to get a bit of fresh air. It makes such a big difference to your energy levels and you’ll return home or to the office feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your next task.

- Swap another Netflix Episode for an Earlier Bedtime
Last but not least, choose to not watch another episode of that Netflix show even if it’s super exciting. It will still be there tomorrow and an earlier bedtime instead of more screentime will be so much more beneficial to your health. An hour of extra sleep is probably something most of us could do with so this is a great swap to make that will help you in all areas of life as you will feel more energetic, motivated and focused after a good night’s sleep.
Features gifted samples of Gusto Super DC drinks.