A Good Night’s Sleep for the Entire Household – Top Tips
|A Good Night’s Sleep for the Entire Household – Top Tips
There’s no doubt about it, when the whole family sleeps well, it makes for a harmonious home: less quibbling, more sharing and cooperation, and more energy for work, school and socialising. It often feels like there is a collective mood in the household, and when one person experiences a bad night’s sleep, it has a knock-on effect and everyone experiences an unsettled night.
In recent years, we’ve all become more aware of the importance of quality sleep. A lack of sleep can have a negative impact on not only your energy levels, but also our health, mood levels, appearance and ability to focus. In turn, this negatively affects our work, social life and personal life. With that in mind, there are a few measures you can take in your household to ensure you have the right sleeping environment for you and the family.
- The right bedding
The first hurdle in the way of a good night’s sleep is making sure the whole family has a comfortable sleeping situation. Your mattress and your bedding plays a major role in the quality of sleep you receive, so take matters into your own hands and ensure you have the right bedding. Get some fun bedding for the kids and invest in king size luxury bedding sets for the parents!
Choosing a mattress can feel like a big decision but it’s an important thing to get right. Although back pain is usually the most alarming sign of a bad mattress, other indicators may not be so obvious. For instance, your sleeping temperature does not just come down to your duvet. With this in mind, look for mattresses that have some sort of cooling quality or a temperature control system. The mattress from Eve Sleep, for example, incorporates both a 3cm thick cooling layer and a breathable memory foam layer, leading to positive reviews in the press.
- Creating the right sleeping environment
Once you have you and your family’s beds sorted, you can then take measures to ensure your home has the right environment before bed. Try cutting out technology in the last few hours before bed. Things like computer games, television, and electronic screens in general do not help create a sleepy environment. Studies have proven that looking at a screen before bed can negatively affect our natural circadian rhythm. Perhaps by introducing a ‘books before bed’ rule in your home, you may encourage a better night’s sleep for all. Especially with kids, now is a great time to establish a healthy bedtime routine. For further information you can check out Parenting Pod which has a great guide on sleep disorders and how to make sure you little ones are sleeping tightly.
- Eating at the right time
With a busy and stressful day for all involved, sometimes it’s impossible to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. Unfortunately, eating larger meals too close to bedtime negatively affects your night’s sleep. However, there is a workaround for action-packed schedules. The main risk of eating before bed is that your body will have too much digesting to do as you sleep – this is exactly the time when your metabolism supposedly slows down. To avoid this, fix a light meal before bed with easily digestible foods such as fruit, nuts or grains. These will keep the hunger at bay and set you up for a good night’s sleep.
By Sophie Connew. Contains a sponsored link.