Home Beauty Treatment Ideas For Busy Mums
Home Beauty Treatment Ideas For Busy Mums
Between constant demands for your attention from your kids, trying to keep your home together, and the need to rest your aching body, there seems to be little left for a busy mother to look glamorous. Indeed, most women tend to have less time to spend on their own looks and well-being after the pressure of motherhood sets in. But no matter how busy you are as a mother, you need to pamper yourself to feel relaxed and gorgeous as often as you can – and it’s possible!
Plus, beauty makes you feel good on the inside too, and you deserve it more than anyone else. So, are your kids making it impossible to give yourself some beauty treats? No worries! You can use these home beauty treatment tips to look and feel good.

- Facial treatment at home
There is no need to visit a spa for the best facial treatments, as you can give yourself the best at home. Facials are one of the easiest beauty treatments you can do at home. Moreover, you can have it done while handling your daily tasks or after a busy day. Either way, it is a win-win! You can even bring the spa to your home with a professional mobile facial. The perfect facial will not only cleanse your facial skin but will also remove dead cells and leave your skin illuminating naturally. You can use some essential home ingredients to make the perfect face mask and enjoy the benefits of glowing skin. Moreover, even without any experience, learning how to make face masks is pretty easy.

- Don’t leave out the rest of your body
Real talk, it is difficult even to make enough time to enjoy a hot bath when your kids just won’t let you be. But that doesn’t mean you should deny yourself this pleasure when you get a chance. It is easy to give yourself a facial treatment, but what about the rest of your body? It needs some love too! At the close of your busy day (or whenever you can find time during your day), treat your body to a special bath time with bath bombs or essential salts.
You can either make your bath bombs at home or purchase them online. The procedure is pretty simple; fill your bathtub with water, drop your bath bomb or salts into the water, and slide your body down into it for the ultimate after-work pleasure. You can add a glass of wine and good music for some extra pleasure. And if you can get your partner to give you a foot massage at the same time, that’s even better.

- Take care of yourself emotionally
Believe it or not, your emotional well-being affects your physical appearance. And even with the best beauty hacks, it is difficult to hide those stress-induced creases on your face. Stress has a way of making you look unkempt, and being a busy mother means walking under a constant dark cloud of stress for many of us.
So, take care of yourself emotionally, and try not to let the pressure get you. Accept all the help you can get if it allows you to get some snooze time or beauty sleep. You can also try doing stress-releasing activities like yoga in your spare time. Oh! And don’t forget to have fun with your kids. Remember, kids can be very entertaining if you let them. So, find ways to have fun with them.

- Do the essential beauty hacks
There’s no need to go out of your way to look beautiful and glamorous, especially when you don’t have the time. But with Dermavel you can still treat yourself to the basic beauty hacks and look gorgeous. You can start with some pedicures and manicures right in the comfort of your home. All you need to do is soak your hands and legs in warm water, whichever pair you prefer doing first. Next, use a homemade hand scrub to remove those dead cells and massage the areas for some time. Once done, soothe your hands and feet with a good moisturiser, and be sure to keep them moisturised. You can then finish things off with your favourite nail polish.

- Teeth whitening
If you rely a lot on coffee and other drinks to take you through your day, the chances are that your teeth are attracting some stains. Mix some baking soda with peroxide, and you have the perfect combo to clean your teeth and remove those stains. Combine one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, and gently brush with the paste. However, you need to be careful to limit this procedure to not more than a couple of times a week, as too much use can affect the enamel of your teeth.
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