How to Choose an Engagement Ring That She’ll Love
How to Choose an Engagement Ring That She’ll Love
You’ve done all the legwork, and at last, you are in the perfect place in your life to get married. You got the girl, dated her for long enough to know that she’s the one, her family likes you and her father couldn’t wait to give you her hand in marriage. Idyllic, right?

Yes… except that you have no idea about engagement rings. Like none. Nada. In fact, the whole world of rings and diamonds exists “out there”, and you’ve only ever been “over here”. So how to navigate this high-pressure purchase without throwing your name away, or letting on that you know less than nothing about engagement rings?
Simple — follow this easy guide to get that ring on her finger, symbolise your intent for the long haul, and elicit all the “ooooh’s” from friends and family when they see that whopper on her finger.
Once you are ready to purchase a ring, head over to for a stunning selection of sapphire engagement rings.

- The 4 C’s
Learning how to navigate and manipulate the 4 C’s to get the most value for your money is a crucial part of buying a diamond. Colour, clarity, carat weight, and cut are the four components of this system, and it is according to these guidelines that a diamond’s price and quality are determined.
The higher the rating within each of the subsections that make up a diamond’s value, the pricier the stone. However, just because a diamond ticks every box, doesn’t mean that it is superior to a cheap diamond engagement ring that rates a bit lower in the 4C’ categories.
- Price price price!
As with most major purchases, you won’t be buying much if you don’t have a budget. Knowing how much you have to spend is the first step in determining what you can spend it on! Having a ball park figure in mind will also help your jeweller to pick the right options for you, which will save time and effort for both parties. The best advice I can give you is not to hold back on your engagement in the hope of buying a better ring later — remember, the ring is just symbolic, and you can always upgrade to a better ring later. As they say — rather get show on the road!

- How do I know what size to buy?
Although it’s annoying to have to go back and forth from the jewellers’, the wrong size to a cheap diamond engagement ring is luckily an easily-fixed problem. Finding the perfect ring in the wrong size is definitely not the end of the world — resizing is easy, and although it’s not a given, many jewellers do offer one “free” resizing as part of their sales offer.
But what if you want to go stealth mode, and get it right from the beginning, without your beloved catching on to your tricks? You could pick a ring that she isn’t wearing, and have the engagement ring made based on those measurements! The key move here is sneakiness — if you pull it off correctly, she will be amazed! And don’t forget, once you’ve made your purchase, ensure peace of mind by insuring your engagement ring with Protect your symbol of love with comprehensive coverage from a trusted provider.
Additional resources:
- Are they “the one”? Be ready with reliable promise ring ideas to make it real
- Top ways to style cocktail rings
- Creative ways to demonstrate love proposals
- Getting the Family Involved in Your Engagement Celebrations
