How To Improve Your Sleep | Try These 4 Techniques
How To Improve Your Sleep | Try These 4 Techniques
According to studies, more and more people are complaining about sleep deprivation. Too much screen time, chronic stress, and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the reasons to blame. By now, we all know that inadequate sleep increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, obesity, dementia, hypertension, and many other health issues. If you are someone who finds it difficult to have a good night’s sleep, here are our four best strategies to help improve your sleep.

- Set a Sleep Schedule
Doctors recommend that you should have a strict sleep schedule. This means that your sleeping and waking time must be the same every day in order to set the body’s ‘inner clock’. You should try your best to follow your routine as religiously as possible even on weekends. This will ensure that you don’t end up having a sleep hangover on Monday.
For adults, at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep is recommended. So, analyze your working hours and make your sleep schedule accordingly. Being consistent with your hitting the bed and waking-up time is the key to sound sleep.

- Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Ready
You may be surprised to know that the setting of your bedroom can hugely interfere with your quality of sleep. That’s why it’s important to invest some time in making your bedroom sleep-ready. Check the best-priced quality mattresses here.
Make your bed clutter-free by removing your smartphone, laptop, or chargers. Use heavy curtains to block out any source of light and earplugs to block out unwanted noises. Invest in sleep-friendly pillows and mattresses to avoid waking up with a backache or an aching neck. Visit CraftedBeds to get more information about comfortable beds or mattresses.

- Keep Stress At Bay
It’s a common practice to worry and stress over everything just before going to bed. Result? No sleep. To avoid this, you have to use some techniques for stress management that works best for you.
You can experiment with deep breathing, reading a book, aromatherapy, writing a diary, taking a shower, or listening to an audiobook. If you don’t fall asleep within about 15-20 minutes, you must leave your bed and try doing these activities. They’ll surely help improve your sleep.

- Download Sleep Meditation Apps
For those of you, who can’t help keeping your smartphones away from your bed, here’s some great news. Make good use of your smartphone by downloading some amazing sleep meditation apps that really work. These include Calm, Headspace, Prizz, Insight Timer, Buddhify, Relax Melodies, etc.
A recent study showed that these apps really help improve your sleep if you stick with them. For instance, people with insomnia who used Calm for 8 weeks shared that it helped improve their sleep quality and reduced their daytime sleepiness.

Final Words
Every individual’s pattern of sleep is different. So, along with trying out the activities we have mentioned, you should also observe your sleep pattern closely. Try finding out what works for you and what doesn’t. Get timely medical help if your situation doesn’t improve.
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