How to Make a Will in 2022 – a Quick Guide
How to Make a Will in 2022 – a Quick Guide
If you have come to this article, you probably don’t have a will in place yet but are curious about finding out how to make a will. Lots of people here in the UK still don’t have a will even though it’s the only way to ensure that the things that are yours – your property, any savings and investments and other belongings – go to the right people when you die. Without the help of a legal will, it is quite possible that any wishes that you might have will not be met, even when it comes to things like how you’d like your funeral to be.
It’s especially important to have a will if you have children and also if you have a life partner that you’re not married to that you’d like to inherit you.
Making a will in 2022 is quite a straightforward process. It’s recommended to get professional help making your will and you can even do that via webcam or the phone these days. There are few options available and we’ll look at some things to consider below.

- Can I write a will myself?
Yes, it is possible to write your own will but DIY wills come with the risk that they may not be legally valid if there is something that is not correct. Is that a risk that you’re willing to take?
- Benefits of getting a professional will writing service
Though a DIY will is cheaper to make, using a professional will writing service is very affordable too and as mentioned above, modern web cam wills or over the phone wills are very convenient and won’t take up much of your time. You can write a will with a solicitor online too. Just like if you were to visit a solicitor in person, you will get professional advice and help using these services from home too. The experts will help ensure that your will is written correctly so that’s one less thing to worry about.

- What do I need to do before writing a will?
You need to work out how much your estate is worth. Your estate is anything that you own that you want to pass on when you die so includes your properties, savings, insurance payments, pension funds and also things like any valuable items, vehicles and furniture. You also need to consider any debts in this process – mortgage, loans, credit cards, etc. A will writing service can help you work out your assets as it can sometimes be a bit confusing.
Next, you need to decide how you want your estate to be divided when you die. People with children and grandchildren often split a part of the estate between them. Everyone needs to be named clearly in the will and so do any details of the split.
You can also choose to leave a charity donation. Again, this needs to be clearly stated within the will with full details of the charity.
When you are creating a legal will, you need to choose an executor. An executor is someone you choose to help deal with handing out your assets and making sure your wishes are followed. You can have more than one and since it’s a big responsibility you should choose someone you trust and know well to do this important job. It doesn’t have to be a family member and you can change your executor in the future if needed.

- The final steps when making a will
Once all the above decisions have been made and your solicitor has drawn up your will, there are a couple of final steps left.
One very important step is to sign it correctly which is something your solicitor can help you with. If you ever make any changes to the will, this process needs to be repeated to ensure that your will is valid. You also need a witness for this part and it can’t be anyone who is mentioned in the will nor their spouse. A friend or someone you work with is usually fine.
Lastly, you need to make sure your will is stored safely and that your executor knows where it is so that it can be found when you die. Your solicitor can store it safely for you or you can store it at home or have your bank store it for you. The main things to make sure is that it’s in a safe place where it will not get damaged or stolen and that your executor will be able to find it.
Hopefully this quick guide on how to make a will in 2022 has provided you with the information that you need to get started. Speak to an experienced professional solicitor if you have any questions – they’ll be happy to help you with your will.