National Eye Health Week – The Best Therapy for Dry Eyes

National Eye Health Week - The Best Therapy for Dry Eyes

National Eye Health Week – The Best Therapy for Dry Eyes | AD

It’s National Eye Health Week (18th-24th September 2024) and TheraTears is collaborating with opticians to encourage the importance of taking particular care of eyes when looking at a screen for prolonged periods of time. In this article we’ll explore the best therapy for dry eyes.

Modern life is simply not good for our eyes and a common concern is dry eyes. Dry eye disease can be caused by many factors such as pollution, airborne allergens, air conditioning and disrupted sleep. The biggest impact on eye health is however caused by increased and prolonged screen use. 25% of dry eye diagnoses are a result of looking at a glowing screen for too long, according to the NHS.

National Eye Health Week - The Best Therapy for Dry Eyes

Screen eyes: We spend too much time looking at screens

Here in the UK, adults spend on average over 6 hours each day looking at digital devices. A whopping 50% spend 11 hours or more per day in front of a screen for work and play. The result of all this screen time includes problems such as eye strain, eye dryness, blurred vision and irritation – “screen eyes”.

How do you fix screen eyes?

To avoid eye problems caused by too much screen time, there are things you can do. Unsurprisingly, the main fix is to reduce screen time. There are other things that can help too:

  • Adjust the lighting when using screens for a softer light.
  • Wear glasses if you need them. If you are suffering from screen eyes, it might be worth a trip to the opticians for an eye test.
  • Limit screen time if you can, or at least take regular breaks away from the screen. A good way to take a very small break is to use the 20-20-20 rule which is looking at an object 20 metres away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  • Adjust your screen settings (on computers, TVs and mobile devices) to match the brightness to the other lighting in the room, adjusting the colour temperature, or using dark mode settings (especially at night).
  • Blink more. Blinking more often will reduce the risk of dry eyes and irritation.
  • Keep your eyes lubricated with TheraTears Screen Eyes.

TheraTears Screen Eyes is a first-of-its-kind product developed to treat computer and gaming eye strain. These eye drops have been developed with clinical experts and offer refreshing hydration for dry, red or irritated eyes. The product contains naturally derived ingredients including hyaluronic acid 0.1% to provide a lasting soothing effect by replenishing eye moisture, as well as Euphrasia which is a natural plant extract that whitens eyes.

“We naturally blink less when looking at screens so our eyes lose their moisture. The quickest and easiest way to restore eye moisture is to use eye drops while also making sure you stay properly hydrated,” says optician, Mark Holloway, from Thomas & Holloway Opticians in Dronfield. “I also strongly recommend the 20-20-20 routine; every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds and focus on something 20 metres away to give your eyes a break and a chance to readjust.”

National Eye Health Week - The Best Therapy for Dry Eyes

A bedtime routine for tired and dry eyes

The end of the day is the perfect time to give your eyes a much-needed break after spending large chunks of your day in front of a screen. Swap screens for a book at bedtime to let your eyes recover. Reading at bedtime is also a great way to relax both your brain and your body. This makes it easier for your to unwind, to fall asleep, and to stay asleep too.

Conclusion – The best therapy for dry eyes

Using screens regularly may result in blurred vision and eyes may appear red and feel sore, gritty and itchy. Screens may be here to stay, but you don’t need to put up with the eye strain they can cause. Take care of your eyes with the best therapy for dry eyes. Use TheraTears innovative Screen Eye protection drops to relieve tired eyes. TheraTears’ proven, insight-led drops offer 5 in 1 protection, helping eyes to look and feel their best.

TheraTears Screen Eyes is available to buy from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Boots, Superdrug and


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