Parents in Marketing – Mums Lose Out / Interesting Survey Results
|Parents in Marketing – Mums Lose Out / Interesting Survey Results
The content marketing agency Axonn Media recently surveyed 108 mums and dads who work in marketing and asked about their working life and even in 2017, it seems that being a mum still presents greater professional challenges than being a dad.
The report reveals some really interesting facts about parenthood in this line of work:
- 62% of mums said that parenthood hampered their career, compared to just to 24% of dads
- 1 in 10 mums said that parenthood has significantly had a negative effect on their career
The research shows that even though working mums face some obstacles, there are some things that complicate the work-life balance for both genders. The top 3 complicating work factors for working parents are travelling and meetings (55%), working hours (48%) and lack of flexibility (34%) from their employer. Flexibility is really important to parents who are working but many companies are failing in this department.
Of course, when you’re a working parent you usually don’t get a break when you return to your home at the end of your working day.
Amazingly, more than half will fit up to 3 hours of household chores into every week day. 25% of men are more likely to spend over 3 hours per day doing domestic chores compared to 17% of women which suggests it’s not only working hours that put pressure on all parents.
See more interesting finds in the infographic below and look out for the hashtags #BeBoldForChange and #GenderAgenda today on International Women’s Day.
See more details from the survey here.
Collaborative Post.