Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review

Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review A Mum Reviews

Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review

Finally there’s an easy way to collect a urine sample even when you are heavily pregnant! It can be quite difficult and messy even if you’re not heavily pregnant, but once the baby bump gets big and you can’t see anything below it anymore it gets even harder.

Peezy Midstream is the clever invention that lets you collect your midstream urine specimen effortlessly, safely and hygienically.

Did you know that current collection methods actually fail to meet the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigation of Urine 2014 which means that the official clinical and infection control criteria are not met and lots of lab time and money is being wasted on unreliable specimens?

Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review A Mum Reviews

“Current hit and miss urine specimen collection methods produce mixed growth specimens for up to around 21m patients, the majority of which should be retested at huge expense to the NHS. Failure to retest often leads to unnecessary broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing. The Peezy Primary kit uses the 10ml tube that fits directly into lab analysers, providing greater efficiency and accuracy.” – Forte Medical

“Up to 30% of urine specimens show heavy mixed growth. Low-tech Peezy Midstream reduces this rate to around 6%, improving basic diagnostic outcomes and prescribing, saving around £22m to the NHS.” – Forte Medical

Peezy Midstream meets all the most recent UK Standards and hygienically collects only midstream urine and prevents the spread of bacteria. It’s cost saving, accurate and provides impeccable infection control. Many infections carried in urine can be passed from hand to hand or from door handles or taps but the Peezy means that there’s no soiling of hands, legs, the sample tube, the toilet seat or the floor. It’s completely mess-free and works really well for men, women and children. Pregnant women and elderly can especially benefit from the clever design.

Watch this video below for a demonstration of how the Peezy Midstream works:

I needed a urine sample for a midwife appointment last week and now that I’m 30 weeks pregnant my belly is quite big which means I can’t see much below it so it was the perfect time to try this product.

The Peezy comes packaged in a bag containing everything you need including the sample tube. You use a cleansing wipe first, then attach the tube to the Peezy and then you’re ready to collect your sample. The illustrated instructions are on the bag and show uses for men and women. They’re really easy to follow and collecting my sample was completely mess-free. Not a singe drop of urine went anywhere but into the tube and the inside of the toilet. Brilliant! It’s a very helpful product for the third trimester.

Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review A Mum Reviews

You can buy Peezy from pharmacies and I believe they cost £20 for 5. The good news is that you can also get them on prescription for free if you’re pregnant. Just click here to get to the Peezy website where you can to download the letter to your midwife. It explains what Peezy Midstream does and provides all the information needed for your prescription. Your pharmacist will give you all the Peezy Midstream kits requested you can get as many as you need for all your antenatal urine tests.

This is great news as my midwife doesn’t even like to give us new test tubes to pee in I had to get mine from the hospital when I went for my scans.Forte Medical Peezy Midstream Review A Mum Reviews

I was sent some samples of the Peezy Midstream to test for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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