10 Excellent Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange

10 Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange A Mum Reviews

10 Excellent Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange

Have you ever thought of house swapping for a holiday? It’s a great way to save money, as other than the cost of getting there, a holiday anywhere in the world doesn’t have to cost more than staying at home. It’s especially beneficial if you have a baby or young children too.

I’ve not tried it myself yet but do have friends who have done it and had good experiences. Home exchanging is similar to couch surfing because it’s free, but it’s also reciprocal. It’s also similar to Airbnb because you host like-minded people at your home, but it does not cost you any money to stay at someone else’s place. Sharing is sharing, not paying.

10 Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange A Mum Reviews

10 Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange
  1. Packing is much easier especially if you’re swapping with a family with children of similar ages. Then you can borrow travel beds, strollers, baby carriers, baby hammocks, toys, etc. so that you don’t have to take ALL your baby equipment with you.
  2. You avoid many last minute worries as everything is in one place and ready for you; the same as when you visit the grandparents.
  3. It’s easier to enjoy your holiday as you can keep your family and baby’s usual routine, just like if you were at home.
  4. You can sleep well and relax without worrying about your baby disturbing other guests in a hotel.
  5. You’ll have much more space than in a cramped hotel room and most likely have separate rooms for you and your baby.
  6. You’ll avoid time pressures as there’s no need to rush downstairs for set hotel meal times.
  7. You can enjoy meeting new friends in a new area. Your exchange partner might even introduce you to their own friends with children.
  8. You have a house to return to for peace and quiet for your baby’s nap times while you prepare the next activity or just relax.
  9. Your exchange partner can give you insider tips on the best baby friendly parks, activities and workshops.
  10. Enjoy having your own kitchen with microwave, dishes and utensils to cook and prepare your baby’s food with rather than buying ready made supermarket foods.

10 Reasons to Take Your Baby on a Home Exchange A Mum Reviews

It’s an incredibly fun and cheap way to holiday and means you can go anywhere, live like a local, and stay for free. Over half of the homes in the HomeExchange.com community are also family friendly, so there’s plenty to choose from and nearly 90% say they will accept children.

Also Read: Home Exchanging: Everything you need to Know


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