12 Hidden Fruit & Veg Recipes For Fussy Eaters

12 Hidden Fruit & Veg Recipes For Fussy Eaters - Got To Try These! A Mum Reviews

12 Hidden Fruit & Veg Recipes For Fussy Eaters – Got To Try These! 

As a mum of a very fussy eater, I know how hard it can be to get kids to eat enough fruit and vegetables if they decide they don’t want to. We have supplemented our toddler’s diet with smoothies and fruit and vegetable purées to make sure she gets enough but she needs to eat more fruit and vegetables in a solid form. I have collected 12 recipes that sound delicious and all incorporate some hidden vegetables or fruits. They can all be eaten as finger foods too which my daughter likes and means they would also make great baby led weaning foods.

We’ve already tried the Chickpea and Nutella cookies and they were a hit for my fussy eater! I look forward to trying the other recipes in this collection soon and I hope my daughter likes them! I think she will.

Have you got a fussy eater? If you have any tips or recipe suggestions, please share in the comments below. I would love to hear what your fussy kids like!

Also check out this Hidden Veg Pasta Sauce for kids recipe by Birds and Lillies.


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