5 Ways To Improve Your Dog’s Diet
5 Ways To Improve Your Dog’s Diet
There’s no animal, or human for that matter, that can cheer you up as much as a dog! Those furry animals are a bundle of joy and can put a smile on your face without a moment’s notice.
Dogs are at times, very clumsy and daft, but extremely entertaining at the same time – it’s no surprise they earned the title of the world’s most wanted pet. Although they are adorable, they also require a lot of attention. Specifically, they need a healthy stable diet and good quality dog food to keep their coat shiny and immune system running at optimum condition. Some dogs can benefit from Herbal Dog Anxiety Medication too.
Feeding your dog plain kibble is like feeding your kid junk food. While eating kibble is fine occasionally, feeding it to your dog regularly can damage its health over time with the lack of nutrients. Luckily, there are some simple ways to improve your dog’s diet.
1: Use High-Quality Food
A raw food diet is one of the best diets a dog can have, as it contains natural ingredients like meats, vegetables, and fruits that are essential for their immune system and digestion.
Raw dog food is considered the highest quality you can give to your pet, and therefore, it’s more expensive than kibble or other types of dog food. However, the benefits of seeing your dog happy, living a long life, and enjoying meal-time are worth it.
When shopping for raw dog food, look out for quality brands with 100% natural ingredients, like Bella & Duke, and avoid the budget-commercial brands with fillers and additives that are harmful.
As raw feeding grows in popularity we are seeing more and more industry professionals embracing the benefits that a balanced, raw diet can offer – and with prep companies, getting the right balance is only getting easier.

2: Give Your Dog Kefir
Kefir is an extremely healthy drink with lots of probiotics, minerals, and vitamins that are beneficial for dogs. Serving water instead of kefir every few days will do wonders for their immune system while combating itchiness, loss of fur, and infections.
Supplementing water for kefir in their diet will give your furry canine extra nutrients and added minerals needed for a healthy body. However, it’s always best to consult your local veterinarian for the correct quantity to give your dog.
3: Fresh Fruit & Veg
Vegetables and fruits are packed with various healthy nutrients and are just as important for people as they are for dogs.
You can use most fruits and veggies, from broccoli to strawberries, and the best way to serve them is to pulverise them into a puree and mix it in with a portion of dog meat or separately as a snack.

4: Don’t overfeed
Whether your dog is big or small, they always want more food than they have been given. It’s normal to share a piece of whatever you’re eating or give a plate of leftovers now and again, but when they start getting a bit chubby, that’s when it’s time to stop,
As a rule of thumb, when a dog is overweight, it’s best to feed them before going for a walk so that they can run the food off, or replace a meal with some fresh fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, reducing the serving amount for a week and taking your dog for longer walks can help shed a few extra kilos.
5: Make Bone Broth
Bone broth is available in bottles or packets in the supermarkets, but it’s just as easy to make some at home by boiling water and beef, chicken, pork, or lamb bones for several hours. Serving a bowl of bone broth every day helps strengthen the joints, adds much-needed hydration, and promotes healthy digestion.
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