A Breath of Fresh Air: Revolutionary Approaches To Cigarette Odour Removal

A Breath of Fresh Air: Revolutionary Approaches To Cigarette Odour Removal

A Breath of Fresh Air: Revolutionary Approaches To Cigarette Odour Removal

When you move into a new home, the smell of cigarette odours is unpleasant and overbearing. They are also dangerous, indicating the presence of third-hand smoke that causes long-lasting damage to your respiratory system if it is left to linger.

ICE Cleaning is a smoke odour removal company that specialises in using modern technology and industrial solutions in its cleaning methods. Its expert technicians are available nationwide and will effectively scrub your home’s air to purify it.

Read on to learn more about the dangers of smoke odour and what you can do to remove it.

Why is cigarette odour dangerous?

Cigarette odours that linger indoors are known as third-hand smoke. Like other forms of cigarette smoke, it contains pollutants that increase your cancer risk and ruin your belongings over time.

Porous surfaces like curtains, carpets, and upholstery are vulnerable to smoke particles, and the smell is harder to remove.

Third-hand smoke is a hazard to non-smokers and young children, who often spend a lot of time on the floor and usually put objects in their mouths.

When they touch contaminated surfaces or place non-food items in their mouths, they are at risk of chronic exposure to nicotine and tar. Smoke odours indoors could lead to you suffering from:

  • Heart disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Ear infections
  • Lung damage
  • Bronchitis
  • Respiratory illnesses
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How does cigarette odour impact your home?

Cigarette smoke significantly reduces a home’s value if you decide to sell it. The odour is just one part of the damage and can impact the inside of your property. Excessive indoor smoking leads to burns and stains that are almost impossible to remove.

You may notice a yellow tinge spread across the surface of your walls, ceilings, and furniture. These stains often require professional cleaners and specialist painters to remove them.

Careless smokers might have also left burns and irreparable damage across the home. Surfaces in the kitchen and living room are the most likely place for these damages to appear and may require the complete replacement of some furniture left behind.

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How to help reduce cigarette odours

Although you cannot remove the smell, you can reduce it with a few actions. As soon as you notice the smell of cigarette smoke in your home, you must contact a specialist cleaning company that offers cigarette smoke odour removal services. In the meantime, you can:

  • Take any smoke-damaged clothing to be professionally cleaned
  • Remove furniture that smells of smoke odour
  • Ventilate the home by using fans, opening windows, and doors
  • Purchase an air purifier

Although an air purifier will not eradicate all smoke odours, it filters out the dangerous toxins in the airborne particles. It is also a safer alternative to using an ozone generator, which is more efficient but dangerous for untrained users.

If you move into a new home with cigarette smoke, you can rely on an expert cleaning company to tackle the task of deep cleaning.

ICE Cleaning is a smoke odour removal company, offering various odour neutralisation programmes that make your home safe to occupy again. Its air purification technology can remove all traces of smoke particles. Its technicians are available 24/7 for emergency cleaning. If you would like to learn more about its services, you can look at what they offer on their website.

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