Asda Mobile Digital Detox Mini-Challenge
|Asda Mobile Digital Detox Mini-Challenge
Recently, Asda Mobile challenged me to do a digital detox which involved using a basic mobile handset for a week and put my smartphone and tablet away.
The aim of the challenge was to find out what the advantages and disadvantages are of going back to basics and using a mobile phone for its original purpose and to explore our own personalities and habits.
Not having access to a smartphone or tablet can help with your sleep pattern, allow you to focus better on your daily tasks and make you more productive, encourage you to broaden your horizons as you can pay more attention to your surroundings and overall benefit your body and mind.
I’ve actually not had a smartphone for that long so I’m not a complete addict. I have had one for about two years I think and I only use Wi-Fi on it so can’t connect to the internet and use most apps when I’m out and about so that ensures I don’t use my phone too much other than as an actual phone when I’m not at home.
I do use my phone and tablet a lot when I’m at home, though — both for work and fun — and sometimes probably a bit too much.
How can you manage without a smartphone these days? You can use an actual camera instead of your phone or tablet and a proper alarm clock instead of your phone, though most basic phones have alarm clocks too. You can use a paper diary and a notebook for all your appointments and notes. You’ll have to do all your social media interaction and emails on a PC or laptop!
I use a paper diary and a notebook more than the apps on my phone so that part was easy, but my phone camera is actually better than my real camera so not being able to use that was a challenge, especially since my job entails a lot of photography.
It’s been a good week for me to do the challenge as I’ve just had my second baby and naturally need to focus a lot on her and my first daughter too. I’ve not had to work as much and have not had time to use social media etc.
Though I missed my phone as a camera and my tablet to watch YouTube videos, it has been good not using these devices and not worrying so much about what’s happening online more than when I’m on my PC. Having a digital detox like this makes you feel lighter and more present in your day to day life and makes you enjoy the real things happening around you more.
I’m now challenging YOU to do a 24-hour mini challenge!
If you take part in the “mini challenge” and have your own blog, keep a diary and write a post about your experience. Link to your post in the comments below and don’t forget to mention and link to Asda Mobile and my blog in your post.
I was sent a basic handset with an Asda Sim Card to use during the challenge.
Asda Mobile Digital Detox challenge terms & conditions
1. Challenge Period – 7 days starting from 25th April 2016.
2. Entry requirements – A basic mobile phone along with an Asda Sim card topped up with £10 credit, which will be provided by Asda Mobile.
a. Challenge your readers to also take part in this and write a post detailing their experience mentioning (and linking to) your blog and Asda Mobile.
b. If your readers take part in the “mini challenge” they must add a link to their diary post in the comments of your site.
3. Data Protection – Any personal data relating to entrants will not be disclosed to a third party, this will be strictly used for the Asda Mobile digital detox challenge only.
4. Winner selection – The winners will be required to respond within 14 days of notification confirming their acceptance of the award. In the event a winner does not respond to communications within 14 days of notification or if any award is declined or not redeemed, we reserve the right to disqualify that winner and present the award to a reserve winner.
5. Winner notification – Winners will be notified via email w/c 9th May 2016.
6. Prize – You have a chance to win £100 worth of Asda store gift card.
7. The terms & conditions of the challenge which includes the information that we request you include in your blogpost.