Book Review: Confessions of a 21st Century Dad by Daniel Rourke
|Book Review: Confessions of a 21st Century Dad by Daniel Rourke
This book by Daniel Rourke is a funny and honest observation of parenthood and everything that comes with it. Daniel tells stories from his own experiences of birth, sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, nappy related explosions and much more. The book also includes lists of how sleep deprivation is damaging to you, what types of dads there are, how toddlers work and how bad (and good!) drinking lots of coffee is. He also looks into how much money he’s actually spent on his children to see if he could’ve bought something really luxurious instead as someone told him he’d be a millionaire if he didn’t have kids.
It’s a short e-book of just 44 pages but it’s full of humour and interesting stories. There are quite a few grammatical errors but since it’s an e-book, I don’t find it very disturbing. The feel of the book is more like a blog and therefore it reads really well even with small errors. I know from experience that the sleep deprivation of parenthood makes typos and errors much more likely, too!
I love this book and the way it’s written. It’s fast paced and there’s not a dull moment in it. I read it really quickly in a couple of sittings and really enjoyed doing so. I even gave up a chance of napping so that I could finish reading it. If you are a parent, you know that that means a lot.
It’s not just a book for dads, in my opinion. As a mum, I loved reading it and could relate to most of the thoughts and experiences in the book. I highly recommend it to other mums, dads and expectant parents. Parents-to-be will see what parenthood is really like by reading this book. Sure, there are a lot of negatives like lack of sleep and no social life, but the conclusion of the book is a happy and encouraging one about how kids are all worth it. It’s really nice hearing that from a dad.
Confessions of a 21st Century Dad is a book that will make you smile and laugh with recognition, but it’s also really sweet. You can read some parts of the book on Daniel’s blog here and buy the full e-book from Amazon for only £1.99.I was sent this e-book to read for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.