How to Be More Sustainable in Your Everyday Life

How to Be More Sustainable in Your Everyday Life

How to Be More Sustainable in Your Everyday Life

Many of us want to do what we can to help the environment and the health of the planet. When it comes to sustainability it is not usually the big things that make the most difference but the accumulation of small changes that we can do to many areas of our lives. In this article, we’ll look at some easy things that you can do to be more sustainable in your everyday life.

Start at home! Look around your home and look for ways that you can reduce your waste and consumption. The kitchen and the bathroom are the two rooms where you can make lots of swaps that together will have a big impact. 

  • Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Recycling is a great way to help the environment but it’s even better to repurpose and reuse as that creates even less waste. Choose reusable products wherever possible and try to repurpose items instead of recycling where possible. An old towel can become cleaning rags for example or perhaps you can upcycle old furniture instead of buying new? Choose to shop with brands that do the same – for example, UpCircle repurposes ingredients that would otherwise go to waste in their skincare.

  • Bathroom Products 

In the bathroom, there are usually many swaps that can be made when it comes to personal hygiene products. There are lots of bathroom products that can easily be swapped to eco friendly toiletries.

Some examples include swapping to bamboo toothbrushes, reusable make-up remover wipes, eco handwash, reusable menstrual products and choosing products that are packaged in eco-friendly packaging instead of single use plastic. Or even better, opting for zero waste products without any packaging at all. Making small changes to these products that you use every day and buy often will have a big overall impact on your family’s waste.

How to Make Sustainable Changes to Your Home
  • Kitchen Waste

For the kitchen, look at what is filling up your bin and see what you could change to reduce the amount of waste that the household creates. The biggest culprits are usually food packaging and food waste. When shopping, try your best to find products with less packaging, especially of the unrecyclable kind. It can be hard as many areas only have supermarkets that are currently not doing their part in reducing packaging. If you’re lucky enough to have a zero waste shop near you, then look there for things that you can’t find unpackaged in your regular shop.

Food waste is an important area too and if you feel that your family wastes a lot of food, then there are things that you can do. These include meal planning and only buying what you actually need to ensure that everything gets used in time and nothing ends up in the bin.

Using a composting garbage disposal is also a great way to take care of the food waste from food scraps instead of chucking them in the regular bin and it will also be useful if you like gardening and growing your own fruit, vegetables, herbs or flowers. You can also use a regular compost bin.

  • Greener Cleaning

Your cleaning supplies cupboard is another area that can often be improved to be more sustainable. Regular cleaning products are full of harsh chemicals that can be dangerous for wildlife and humans too. There are lots of eco-friendly cleaning products available on the market now like zero-waste refill options for reusable bottles or you can simply make your own cleaning products using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and lemon.

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