How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional

How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional A Mum Reviews

How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional

As a professional blogger and general user of the internet, I’m often taken aback at the number of unattractive blogs I come across. Whether it’s blogging as a hobby or for a personal business, it’s of the utmost importance for your blog to come across as serious and professional. I’m not saying it has to be boring, but readers will be far more inclined to stay for longer or come back for more if your blog is easy to navigate and pleasing on the eye. In light of that, I’ve prepared a number of tips on how to ensure that your blog comes across professionally.How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional A Mum Reviews

  • Have Impeccable Writing Style and Grammar

Blogs are, first and foremost, a means of communication, and nothing screams unprofessional more than poor syntax, misspelt words or grammatical faux pas. A common piece of editorial wisdom is to write now and proofread later. The reason for this is to take a break from whatever it is you were working on, in order to approach it with fresh eyes later. Consider taking a mini digital detox to clear your mind; the next time you come back to the text, you’ll be able to more clearly see mistakes you previously overlooked.How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional A Mum Reviews

  • Purchase Your Own Domain Name

Seeing a domain ending such as “.blogspot” or “.wordpress” definitely gives the impression that the blog is either new or strictly amateur. Having your own domain name is an easy way to earn instant credibility. There are many companies, such as this one, that offer blog packages with the choice of domain name included, which really helps to give your site a more professional first impression.

You can also perform a domain name search to help you narrow down the choice by seeing which domain names are available and with which extensions.

How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional A Mum Reviews

  • A Sleek, Organised Layout

Blogs often make the mistake of trying to cram too much information on to a page. This is a grave mistake. Your blog should be easy to read and follow and not overwhelm your readers; you need your layout to be svelte and organised. Ensure that images are all similar sizes and that the same font is used throughout an article, regardless of its size. Your headings should be clearly labelled. And, perhaps most importantly, your home page should be instantly grabbing. It should be able to catch a reader’s attention and hold it, and, hopefully, encourage them to read further. Of course, you also need a logo that stands out and lets your readers know a bit about you and your blog. If you need help creating a logo, try logogenie’s logo maker.How to Ensure Your Blog Looks Professional A Mum Reviews

  • Find a Premium Theme

On the heels of the advice above, acquiring an appropriate theme for your blog could take care of most of design aspects. Whether it’s for an online journal, ecommerce or a photography blog, themes can help streamline the process of making a blog appear attractive, whilst adding functionality in the form of widgets and add-ons. The only choice you have to make is if you’d prefer to buy a theme, or choose from one of the many free templates available online.

By Chelsea Blakemore.


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