How To Keep Your Kids Happy and Healthy This Summer
How To Keep Your Kids Happy and Healthy This Summer
Summer is a time of year when kids love going outside, playing and having water fights.
However, it is also a time of year when kids can get a bit unwell due to heat and sun exposure. This can lead to more serious issues such as sunburn, poor sleep and heat stroke.
Of course, there are some steps that can be taken to prevent these issues from developing, and here, you will be guided through some steps on how to keep your children healthy and happy in the warmer summer months.
- Cotton Clothes
Whether it is clothing that will be worn in the middle of the day or night, you will need to invest in clothing that is made from natural materials like cotton, hemp or bamboo. This will help to prevent sweat from being trapped against the skin, which can lead to that horrible clammy feeling and rashes. Many stores like Matalan can offer a range of day and nightwear for children to help keep them refreshed and cool during those humid evenings and bright days.

- Hydration
Even if they are under a shady tree or playing in a pool, you need to make sure that your kids stay hydrated.
Try to avoid sugary drinks like soda, as these can lead to dehydration and opt for water or heavily-watered squash. You should also keep an eye out for the signs of dehydration, which can include your child becoming light-headed, pale and having a high temperature. If you are going on a day trip, make sure you have plenty of refillable bottles for water, which will keep your kids cool, happy and hydrated. If you suspect that your child is showing signs of dehydration, seek medical advice urgently.
- Sun Protection
When the sun is out in the sky, it’s time to pull out sun hats and sunscreen. Aim to reapply the sunscreen every hour or more regularly if your child is playing in a pool or in the sea. Try to choose a sunscreen that is not sticky or greasy, as that can cause discomfort. Aim for sunscreen of factor 30 or higher, and make sure that as much of your child’s skin is covered as possible.

- Keep Up Food Intake
In heat waves, a common symptom is that many people lose their appetites. This can be due to the excessive heat causing inner organs to overheat and thus not work as well as they would in a less extreme environment. However, you should aim to keep your kid’s caloric intake up, as this will prevent sugar crashes, which can lead to fatigue and moodiness. Of course, avoid hot foods like curries or heavy foods like roast dinners, and try to offer them small, regular snacks and meals throughout the day.
- Bug Spray
With the heat comes mosquitos and other bugs, which can make for a very itchy experience outdoors!
So, if you and your children are going to a barbecue or to the local park, make sure that they have bug spray (on top of the sunscreen). This will prevent mosquito bites and will help them to stay more comfortable and itch-free!
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