How to Look After Your C-Section Scar to Help it Heal Well
How to Look After Your C-Section Scar to Help it Heal Well
After having a baby, it’s extra important to look after yourself to help your body recover from childbirth. You need to let your body heal and you need to ensure that you eat well, drink lots of water and get as much rest as possible to have the energy and strength to look after your newborn baby.
If you have had a c-section, recovery is usually even harder – it’s major surgery after all. Get all the help you can to make it easier for your body to heal properly.
The wound in your abdomen needs to be looked after too. Gently clean and dry the wound daily and wear loose and comfortable cotton underwear and comfortable clothes in general. Keep an eye out for infection and contact your GP or midwife if you have any concerns at all.
A few weeks after your c-section, you should be able to see that the wound is turning into a scar. They’re usually around 10-20 centimeters long, a horizontal line just below your bikini line. At first, the scar will be red and very obvious, but it will fade with time.

There are things that you can do to help the healing process and help improve the appearance of the scar and they include:
- Always keep your scar clean by washing it with running tap water or saline.
- Keep the scar area out of the sun as scar tissue is very sensitive and prone to sunburn.
- To avoid your scar getting itchier, make sure showers and baths are not too hot as heat can make itchiness worse.
- Apply a silicone gel like Kelo-Cote Advanced Formula to the healed wound twice a day to keep it hydrated – this will help the healing process and help prevent, treat, and reduce the appearance of your C-section scar. It can be used on older scars too.

Looking after your baby will be your top priority but don’t forget to look after yourself physically and mentally too – it’s essential as well. You can’t pour from an empty cup!
Features a gifted sample of Kelo-Cote.