How to Throw the Perfect Garden Party This Spring & Summer
|How to Throw the Perfect Garden Party This Spring & Summer
With the arrival of a long-awaited Spring, it’s not long until party season is also on the way. Cue hours of enjoying the glorious sunshine with delightful food and perfect company. Or maybe I’m being too optimistic, this is Britain after all! It might be more of a cue opting for a jacket because it’s not quite t-shirt and shorts weather with grey skies looming menacingly overhead. Cue last minute dashes to the supermarket to grab the garnish that the whole success of your entire party hinges on. However you envision your garden party, let us be the guide to ensure it goes as smoothly as humanly possible.
- Seating
Ensuring you have sufficient seating is the first step in guaranteeing your garden party is a success. With a mix of garden furniture, Taskers is the perfect place to start. Opt for plush seating arrangements for your elderly companions and elegant chairs and tables to create an air of sophistication that please everyone. Esteemed wedding aficionado Karen Naylor recommends that you should provide seating for 40% of your guests, preventing a stale, still atmosphere from developing.
Given the tumultuous British weather, it is more than likely wise to invest in a gazebo and/or waterproof covers for all furniture.
Bonus tip – blankets or tarpaulins on the grass are a simple and easy way to provide a seating refuge for kids and adults alike.
- Food & Drink
Movement is a necessity, and the positioning of food and drinks can be significant in achieving a vibrant, active atmosphere. Party expert Karen Bussen agrees. She is a devotee of creating ‘pacing stations.’ By placing food and drinks on an array of tables scattered around the confines of your party, your guests will inevitably wander from station-to-station, culminating in the fluid movement of people and a lively party.
With the amount of vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free people seemingly eternally rising, it is inevitable that at least one of your guests subscribes to this way of eating. It is imperative to cater for them; you do not want any of your guests feeling left out and marginalised. Approaching this task is not as intimidating and painstaking as it seems as there are a number of viable, easy-to-make alternatives.
Bonus tip – Prevent any unwelcome visitors (i.e pesky insects) from invading your drink by craftily placing a cupcake liner over the top of it. Allow a straw to puncture the centre of the liner allowing easy access to a bug-free drink.
- Lighting
Lighting can safeguard the smooth transition of your garden party from day to night. Not simply useful for allowing you to see at night, a tasteful selection of lighting can also aid the creation a subtle ambience, assuming the vibe you are going for is closer to a candle-lit dinner than a forest rave…
Bonus tip – Puncturing number of holes through an old paint can makes a surprisingly pretty lantern.
This guide has given you all the tools you need to prepare for a successful garden party. Whether you consider your garden party to have been a success by the end of the night is another question altogether due to the typically unpredictable nature of the British weather and the presence of indefinitely warring friends and family. At least you know that you’ve done your best to ensure that your garden is welcoming for your guests and that you’ve made the necessary preparations for your party.
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