Is It Safe to Vape Near Your Family?
Is It Safe to Vape Near Your Family?
The popularity of vaping has been on the plateau for a couple of years already. In fact, talks about vaping have been semi-muted because they did not seem important against the background of the current crises happening in the world. We all remember how scared everyone was at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Each of us could feel safe only being at home and bringing no new things home.
At that time vaping devices seemed to be much safer because a vaping device can be treated with antiseptic while a usual cigarette cannot be. The only things that people needed in such a case were an electric socket, a vaping device, and different varieties of nic salts e-liquids. That was also one of the hidden boosters of vaping industry. For some people, the process of vaping is calming, and they were trying to improve their psychological stance with that.
However, one must remember that nicotine interacts with a human’s nervous system and its consumption can lead to mood swings and other deviations from the standard. One of the greatest threats of nicotine consumption is addiction, no matter whether you use the best e-cigarettes or just regular cigarettes. Nicotine is a kind of drug and it cannot be changed. So it cannot be changed the way it impacts our psyche.

Nicotine and the Beloved Ones
Nicotine consumption is usually pleasant only for those who consume it directly. However, people around might get irritated or even angry with the one who is smoking. The point is that nicotine has quite a strong specific smell, which makes it difficult to cope with it. What is more, nicotine is not just unpleasant but also unhealthy. There exists mounting evidence that there is no safe way to consume nicotine.
Being exposed to vapor is often compared to being exposed to smoking. In fact, sometimes these two things are equaled and called secondhand vaping and secondhand smoking correspondingly. The point is that nicotine is the prevailing element of cigarettes and vape pens. Even the best e-cigarette will also expose one to nicotine if one uses nicotine-containing e-liquid. Nicotine-free vaping liquids can contain some other unhealthy chemicals.
Second-hand nicotine consumption can lead to one or several of the following illnesses: lung cancer, airway irritation or damage, heart disease, asthma. The percentage of the possibility of these conditions happening varies. Firstly, their appearance depends on a person’s health condition before their exposure to vaping. Secondly, their appearance depends on the person’s lifestyle too. If a person lives in constant stress with no schedule, such a possibility gets more real.
The other important point to outline is that if a pregnant woman is exposed to vapor, the risks of stillbirth, premature birth, and SIDS gets higher. Children also suffer from nicotine if they are exposed to it. Firstly, children tend to copy their parent’s behavior, so they might get interested in vaping as an activity for themselves. For sure, it is prohibited by law but everyone understands that some children get way too dexterous about things they are not allowed to use.
Getting addicted at a young age can lead to inescapable consequences. Firstly, their brains are not completely formed till they become young adults. Therefore, the interaction of nicotine, an addictive stimulant with the brain, can lead to a number of changes in a child’s psycho. These changes can become more visible not at once but in a year, in 5 years, or even later. For sure, just nicotine cannot change it dramatically, but it launches some physical processes too.
Second Hand Vaping
As mentioned before, the nicotine from vaping can cause great damage to a person. What is more, vaping oils that one uses for their best e-cigs can also contain ultra fine particles, and various other toxins, including several cancer-causing agents. The question of such elements depends on the quality of the e-liquid. A more detailed analysis cannot be made because each type of e-liquid can consist of different elements, and only a specialist having detailed chemical analysis can conclude the level of substance’s safety. In case, you are not sure whether the e-liquid is the best one, it is better not to buy it.

Vaping & Family
If you are a vaper, and cannot give up the bad habit, but want to protect your family from the negative impact of the best electronic cigarette, you should follow a couple of simple rules.
- Never use your vaping device when you are at home. If you want to make a couple of puffs, it is better to go out to the street. If you vape on your balcony, the vapor can still get into your house through the windows. And then there will be no difference. So, it is better to find an appropriate place next to your place.
- The same rule works for your car. If you drive your children to school, do not vape in the car. In fact, in the UK it is forbidden to vape in the car where there are children or even one child.
- Remember that air cleaners are not effective against the chemicals that come from e-cigarettes. Therefore, just installing one in your house does not cancel the rule of not smoking in your house.
- Vaping at home, while your family is away on holiday and then airing the rooms, is a bad idea too. Vapor particles tend to get anywhere where the air goes. It means that small particles of vapor spread over various surfaces that exist in your house. It means that the next time your child will touch the wall and then will forget to clean their hands and eat something, the vaping elements will get into their body. It means that your dog will get vapor microparticles into his nostrils every time he sniffs a vase, floor, sofa, or carpet in your house. It means that your wife will get it after having a nap on a cushion on the sofa in the living room where you used to vape. All these can lead to their illnesses or even death.
The things that you should do if you had vaped in the flat while your family away included:
- Washing all the available surfaces starting from the floor and finishing with the elements of chandelier and bookshelves.
- Airing your flat as much as possible.
- Washing all the textile décor elements in your flat (cushions, curtains, carpets, pannus, towels, etc).
- Getting rid of the butts if you used ordinary cigarettes is also important because a baby can, for example, try to chew it.
Collaboration – Guest Article.