My Summer Body Confidence Tips
|My Summer Body Confidence Tips
I remember the days of women in my life becoming quite stressed out about summer being around the corner and not feeling good about their bodies being on display on the beach or by the pool in a bikini or swimsuit. I’ve personally reached a stage where I don’t get self-conscious about my body like this and am happy to wear a bikini without much preparation needed and it’s a lovely feeling. We should love our bodies — they do a lot for us!
My tips for feeling confident about your body this summer are:
- Choose a swimsuit or bikini that is good for your body shape and that fits well! Nothing should dig in or need to be adjusted as this will make you feel uncomfortable straight away.
- Treat yourself to some pampering! A good body scrub and body butter will go a long way to make your skin smooth and glowing and this will help you feel better whether you’re putting on swimwear or not.
- Do things that are good for your body — eat lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water, do gentle exercise like walking or swimming.
- If you have things that you’d like to change about your body — do the work to achieve them. If you want to be more toned, incorporate exercise like Pilates and if you want to bulk out with more muscle, add some protein shakes to your diet if you’re struggling to get enough protein from your usual diet, etc.
- Be happy! Happy people are attractive and make other people happy too. Smile, enjoy the summer and have fun!
Collaborative Post.