The Rise of Gluten Intolerance and How to Cope With It
The Rise of Gluten Intolerance and How to Cope With It
In the last decade, an increasing number of people have reported issues with gluten intolerance. It is estimated that 1 in 133 people suffer from Coeliac disease, a disorder caused by an autoimmune reaction to gluten. If you are one of the many people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance or you’re experiencing symptoms associated with it, don’t despair — there are ways to manage your condition and still enjoy a healthy diet.
What is Gluten Intolerance?
Gluten intolerance is an umbrella term used to describe several different medical conditions related to the body’s inability to digest gluten. Commonly known as Coeliac disease, gluten intolerance can also include wheat allergies and non-Coeliac gluten sensitivity. While these three conditions have similar symptoms, they are each very different in terms of severity and treatment options.
It is important to note that not all individuals who experience adverse reactions after consuming foods containing wheat or gluten actually suffer from a medical condition — some may simply be intolerant of certain ingredients or experience minor gastrointestinal disturbances after eating too quickly or too much food.
The best way to find out if you have a medical condition related to wheat or gluten consumption is to speak with your doctor and request specific testing for Coeliac disease. Also, you can try out Gluten Free food that’ll be a welcome addition to your meals.

Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance
The symptoms of gluten intolerance can be annoying and, at times, debilitating. Here are some symptoms that you should know about:
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Joint Pain
- Headaches
- Abdominal Pain
- Rashes
- Nausea
What to Do When Symptoms Are Worsening
If you notice that your symptoms aren’t going away or are worsening, don’t self-medicate. Immediately call emergency services and follow their instructions. Afterwards, consult with your doctor about your condition.

Managing Gluten Intolerance Symptoms
Even if you have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease or another form of gluten intolerance, you can still lead a full and active life without sacrificing the pleasure of enjoying good food! Here are just a few tips for managing your symptoms:
- Eat more plant-based proteins such as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds in place of animal proteins that contain gluten such as beef and pork. Soy is another excellent gluten-free protein replacement for meat.
- Choose naturally occurring grains like quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth and wild rice instead of breads, pastas and other processed foods made with wheat flour.
- Read labels carefully when shopping for packaged foods so you can avoid hidden sources of gluten such as malt vinegar or modified food starch.
- Try new recipes featuring alternative flours made from almond meal or coconut flour instead of wheat flour for baking delicious treats at home! It’s best that you try out something new once in a while.
- Speak up about your dietary needs when dining out so your server can guide you towards menu items that do not contain any traces of wheat or gluten.
- Seek out support from friends and family members who understand your condition so you can share ideas on how best to cope with it on a daily basis.
Dealing with any type of food intolerance can be difficult but it doesn’t mean having to give up all the things that make life enjoyable, like indulging in delicious meals! By following these simple tips and staying informed about available resources on living well with food allergies, anyone affected by gluten intolerance can learn how to effectively manage their symptoms while still enjoying all the joys life has to offer!
So take charge today – take control over your health by learning more about your specific condition so you can get back into living life fully again!
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