Warning: Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign – New Name for Sonixbrush

Warning Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign - New Name for Sonixbrush Scammers

Warning: Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign – New Name for Sonixbrush

I have recently started doing some more UGC campaigns for brands. This week, I was contacted by a company called Sonixsmiles with a “UGC Content Creation Request”. First I thought that it was great that they’d gotten in touch but then I did a bit more research about the company and it looks like this campaign is a scam. If you too have had this email, read on to find out more about this Sonixsmiles scam and their fake UGC campaign.

Warning Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign - New Name for Sonixbrush First Email

Sonixsmiles Scam – The first email from Sonixsmiles

This is the first email that I received:


My name is Beatrix, and I am reaching out on behalf of Sonixsmiles, a leading provider of oral and dental products. 

While we’ve enjoyed the success of our products offline, we’re expanding our reach through social media and digital marketing. That’s why we are currently looking for a talented content creator to make creative UGC content featuring our product that we can use on our social media pages. 

After reviewing your socials, we feel that your style is a great match for what we need and we believe that your unique approach to content creation will help us effectively showcase our product in a visually engaging and compelling way.

Feel free to check our Instagram page: (link to Instagram page)

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please let us know, and we will provide you with further details, pay rates and instructions on the next steps. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,
Sonixsmiles Team

My thoughts about the first email

The first email seemed quite legit which is why I was excited at first. The email address came from a business account and the language was professional. I checked out their Instagram page and excepted to see a bit more content there. It was just a few product shots and some stock images which was a little odd. Lots of followers but barely any engagement. There were no examples of any previous UGC which was also a little weird but I didn’t think much of it at this point.

Their website looked normal with a contact page with a PO address (no business address though).

I removed the link to their Instagram page from the email above but if you want to check them out their username is the same as the “business” name.

I replied to the first email and got a response a few hours later.

Warning Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign - New Name for Sonixbrush Second Email

Sonixsmiles Scam – The Second Email from Sonixsmiles

Here you can see the second email:

“We are happy to hear from you! 

We appreciate your interest in partnering with us on UGC! As previously mentioned, our company is currently looking for a Content Creator who can create either a Reels-format video or three product photos for our brand to be used on our Social Media pages.

Before we proceed, as part of our commitment, we ask that you carefully review our Project Guidelines, so that you have a complete understanding of what we need:

(Link to contract)

Please let us know your full first and last name, if you are interested in moving forward with the Contract Agreement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Sonixsmiles Team

My thoughts about the second email:

The language in the second email was a bit different. Strange use of capitals and punctuation.

I don’t want to link to their website so will share a screenshot here of the contract instead. Click the image to see a larger version in a new tab.

Warning Sonixsmiles Scam Fake UGC Campaign - New Name for Sonixbrush Contract Agreement

Sonixsmiles UGC Contract

Here’s where the red flags and alarm bells started for me:

  • Lack of guidelines for the content. Letting the creator freely choose from reel content or photos is a bit odd. Additionally, the amount of photos requested was different from the email too which shows inconsistency.
  • A large budget of 600EUR for a very small amount of work. When something looks too good to be true, it usually is!
  • HAVING TO PURCHASE THE PRODUCT. This was the biggest warning for me. It is extremely rare that content creators have to purchase the product. Sonixsmiles say that the campaign requires the purchase of one SonixPro brush. At 50% discount and free shipping, but still. You should not have to purchase the product for these kinds of campaigns.

Because of the above, I googled Sonixsmiles Scam. I found quite a lot about a Sonixbrush Scam on Reddit (read that here) and lots of TikTok videos too. It very quickly became clear to me that Sonixsmiles is just the new name that Sonixbrush are currently using. The emails and contract in the TikTok videos are the same as the ones I received from Sonixsmiles. Looks like they keep scamming people, making them purchase their overpriced toothbrush, then blanks them. Which is interesting with their “legally binding contract that ensures the protection of both parties involved”…

They’re doing a good job trying to look legit but I would recommend avoiding them after everything I’ve read and watched about them and their campaigns so far. I hope this has been useful to you if you’re a blogger or content creator and by Sonixsmiles or Sonixbrush (or any new names they might be using!) have sent you an email.


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