What Type of Homeowner Are You?
|What Type of Homeowner Are You?
The way people live, and the way they manage their homes, varies dramatically. Some love nothing more than strapping on the tool belt and tackling DIY while others treat their houses more like giant storage boxes than homes. We all know someone who allows only eco-materials into their property and someone who won’t let a single crumb or spec of dust dirty their pristine décor.
If this sounds familiar, you may well be wondering what type of homeowner you are. Well, a new infographic from London Cleaning System now allows householders to find out which category suits them best. And though you may not be able to alter your homely habits, knowing which box you tick will help you become more aware of how you use your property.
- The DIY-er
One of the most common types of homeowner out there, the DIY-er will tackle any job his home can throw at him. From fixing leaky taps and installing shelves to giving the front room a fresh coat of paint, this intrepid property owner will have a go at anything. According to research carried out by credit car provider MBNA, spending on DIY products has rocketed 42% since 1996 with the average person splashing out £211 a year on tools and materials.
- The Hoarder
Hoarding is a real problem for many people in the UK, with 1.2 million people (2-5% of the population) thought to hoard to some extent. And though some people take it to extremes, there are many of us who exhibit mild to moderate hoarding tendencies.
- The Perfectionist
According to a 1999 study, 30% of the general population are perfectionists while 87% of ‘gifted’ people fall into the category. The perfectionist takes ‘house proud’ to a whole new level. Carpets are pristine, furniture is at right angles and shoes are taken off before guests enter the home. Perfectionists are definitely among the 75% of Brits who tidy their homes BEFORE the cleaner arrives.
- The Eco Warrior
Although 57% of Brits are worried about global warming, few take active steps to reduce their carbon footprint. Not so the Eco-Warrior. Everything in their home is recycled, home made or ethically sourced. Food is organic, washing up liquid is kind on the environment and most of the garden is given over to home grown fruit and veg.
- The Workaholic
The workaholic uses their house more like a hotel than a home. Furnishings are minimal, the fridge is all but empty and virtually no effort has been made with the interior décor. If this homeowner could change one thing about their property, they’d move it closer to the office. In fact, some Brits are so hard working 1m will fail to take any annual leave at all this year.
Learn more about common types of UK homeowners – or find out which category you fall into – by taking a look at the London Cleaning System infographic.
This is a Press Release.