Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home

Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home A Mum Reviews

Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home

We all  have a unique idea of what home should feel like.

Have you ever noticed how there’s a massive difference between walking into a house and walking into a home? See, a home is something that takes time to develop yet it can be disheartening to live somewhere that feels like a “house” rather than a “home”.

The recipe for creating a feeling of home for you and your family is unique for everyone, as each person has different ingredients, as for some people home does not feel like home unless there’s a dog to meet you at the end of the day, wagging his tail and welcoming you back from the supermarket as if you had been lost at sea for the past few months… whilst for others home resembles a sense of order and neatness that cannot be obtained outside of one’s home environment.

For some people, the sense of home is created by finer details such as having freshly cut flowers in each room or warm soft furnishings. Whilst, for others, they tend to focus on location, for instance they will be drawn toward student accommodation london zone 1 presuming they will automatically have a sense of home, but it’s important to remember that home is a feeling rather than a place.  It’s not something that can be bought or moved into; it’s something that must be created.

See, one of the biggest detractors of a feeling of home sweet home is when things feel a little out of control; be that bills, the garden, the kids’ toys, or just a sense of things not being in order. This article therefore considers some of the basics required to create a feeling of home sweet home.Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home A Mum Reviews

  1. Stay on Top of the Bills

Keeping up with household bills can be stressful if money is tight.  Of course, we all want our home to feel like our castle – a sanctuary from stress – rather than a life where you dread the postman’s visit on the basis he might be bringing yet another bill.

Keeping on top of your bills creates a feeling of stability and certainty within you, whereas, if we let these things cascade out of control by burying our heads in the sand… it’s like we retreat into emotional survival mode which restricts the ability for the feeling of home to flourish.Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home A Mum Reviews

  1. Garden Upkeep

If you come home each day to an overgrown garden, in the real world, it’s not a big deal but it can create a feeling of your home being out of control.  In a similar way to having a dirty car, it’s not a big deal, but when you take it for a car wash don’t you feel better as a result?

Even though these things are small, they can have a large effect on your psychology and state of feelings which can detract from your feeling of home.Creating a Feeling of Home Sweet Home A Mum Reviews

  1. Clean & Tidy

Keeping your home clean and tidy is an obvious one, but it can be hard to manage especially when you have your hands full with little ones. The most important aspect, however is to keep your home clutter free which is, perhaps, easier said than done with little ones around but it will add to your sense of feeling at home in a huge way.

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