Business | 10 Email Marketing Do’s & Don’ts

10 Email Marketing Do's & Don'ts A Mum Reviews

10 Email Marketing Do’s & Don’ts

Email marketing can be really difficult to get right. As a customer myself, I often get annoyed with unsolicited emails or emails that are simply too frequent or irrelevant. Email communication is a powerful marketing tool though and one that should be used by businesses but it’s so important to get this digital marketing channel right. If you get it right, you will keep customers coming back and remembering you in a positive manner but if you get it wrong, they more likely to unsubscribe and remember you in an unfavorable way.

Do a little bit of research before starting your email marketing to ensure you tick all the Do’s and avoid all the Don’ts. This infographic by Campaign Monitor below is a great place to start as it gives you a quick overview of some of the most important elements of successful email marketing which will help you grow your client base and keep your customers. Check it out and you’ll soon be a master of email marketing!

Campaign Monitor also offer lots of other great and useful resources for email marketing for your business that you can check out here. There are lots of different topics that you can learn more about to improve the way you contact your customers to ensure you do it in the best way for your business.


10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts - Infographic by Campaign Monitor

Source: 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts by Campaign Monitor

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