Book Review: Men, Love & Birth by Mark Harris / Preparing for Birth
|Book Review: Men, Love & Birth by Mark Harris / Preparing for Birth
I’ve just finished reading Mark Harris’ Men, Love & Birth: The book about being present at birth your pregnant lover wants you to read. Mark Harris is a father of six, grandfather and a midwife since 1994. He’s a hypnotherapist, NLP trainer and youth outreach worker, too. Mark Harris also runs workshops called Birthing for Blokes for men preparing to be fathers.
He noticed that there’s loads of information out there for expectant mums about pregnancy and birth but not much for the fathers-to-be and decided to take this matter into his own hands by running his workshops and by writing this book.
The book speaks directly to the expectant fathers but as a women expecting my second baby, I found the book very helpful too. It’s a very informative book that explores how men and women work and how giving birth is something that we are made to do and how we can make it as easy as possible to do it naturally. It’s full of tips about how men can help their partner prepare emotionally, mentally and physically throughout pregnancy and labour. The book covers massage, sex, pain relief, how to stay calm during birth to help your partner, how to communicate effectively, breastfeeding, the power of hormones and much more.
Men, Love & Birth is written with a sense of humour and it’s very enjoyable to read. It’s really easy to read and it’s very honest. There were a few chapters that I enjoyed especially and one of them was the Q&A one where dads-to-be are in a group asking Mark questions and Mark answers. It shows exactly what goes through many fathers-to-be’s minds and I loved reading the full discussion. I also really enjoyed the breastfeeding chapter as I believe it’s really important for dads to know about the benefits of breastfeeding and how to support the mother.
Mark Harris has decades of experience working with couples as they become parents and this book is a great resource for both men and women during pregnancy to prepare for birth. For men, it provides lots of helpful tips and information and for women it gives an insight into how men might think about the whole process and how men and women work differently in different situations.
Men, Love & Birth is available to buy from
I was sent this book for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.