Maternity Leavers: What to Do About Work Now You’re a Mum
Maternity Leavers: What to Do About Work Now You’re a Mum
I love reading about motherhood and I’ve recently read a book called Maternity Leavers by Soozi Baggs. This book is all about “What to Do About Work Now You’re a Mum” and shows a bunch of ways how maternity leave is not a career obstacle but can actually be your chance to get the work/life balance that you want.
Soozi is a mother herself (twin boys!) and has had many jobs as she searched for the dream career. She’s become a bit of an expert in different ways of working and how it can work when you are a mother of young children.
The book is aimed at all new mums and covers so many available options and the pros and cons. It really helps you think about what you want and what would work for your family situation, so that you can make a maternity leave plan that works for your family. Soozi covers returning to work full-time, flexible working, full-time motherhood, self-employment and “doing something else” (like blogging!). She explores these options and writes in a friendly way. She doesn’t judge anyone for the different choices and it’s clear that she agrees you should choose a path that works well for you and helps you find this.
She also covers practical and financial topics related to parenthood and parental leave and finishes the book with a chapter on mental and emotional headspace, looking after yourself and your relationship with your partner. This is very important and I’m glad this has been included too.

Maternity Leavers is full of helpful information, advice, ideas and personal stories about this time in life that makes most people reflect on how they want to spend their time. It’s a brilliant and refreshing read and I recommend it to all mums who are at this stage of motherhood. It will inspire you to make the right choice for yourself, your family and your career.
Buy your copy of Maternity Leavers here.
I was sent this book for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own. Contains a placed link.