Book Tour | Am I Loved? The Most Asked Question of All Time
Book Tour & Interview: Am I Loved? The Most Asked Question of All Time by John D. Bieber
Am I Loved? The Most Asked Question of All Time by John D. Bieber is a new book that explores philosophy, relationships, human condition, and the meaning of love and why all humans spend our lives wanting to love and be loved.

The book is currently doing a tour and today is the last the of the tour which we will end with an interview with the author, John D Bieber, here on my blog.

An Interview with Am I Loved? author, John D Bieber
Husband of one, father of four, grandfather of two, John D Bieber, a former overworked lawyer is author of this new book. He lives in Sussex where he has time to think and live life according to the philosophy contained in his book.
- In short, what is the primary message behind Am I Loved??
“The very things that make us human are those that cause us to feel ill at ease in our humanity because right back to the first human being everyone has got everything wrong. For how can we function as sophisticated emotional beings when we can neither understand nor control our emotions? This book examines the human condition establishing where and why we have gone wrong and how we can now get everything right leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence and the chance to feel truly comfortable in ourselves and at ease in our nature for the very first time.”
- What initially inspired you the write the book?
“My experience as a Divorce lawyer witnessing people in huge distress who were rendered incapable of taking constructive decisions due to the onslaught of their emotions. This led me to write a book on the emotional side of divorce which in turn led to a detailed study of our emotions. which were clearly not understood at all.”
- In your opinion, what one thing most defines us as humans?
“Our overwhelming need to be loved.”

- Is it truly possible to fully control and manage our emotions?
“No. Emotions come to us fully formed responding to the needs of our genes for the preservation of life, rather than to our personal needs. And so, preserving the Life within us they are beyond our control. The best we can do is to try to control our reactions to them by the suppression of anger or the masking of sadness or surprise.”
- The book explores some fundamental questions; in addition to those about love, what other big questions do you look into in the book?
“Emotions, genes, survival, folly of pursuing survival rather than love, heredity, religion, why so many people seek love from an invisible God, the Supreme Sense, Nature’s Morality, consciousness, Creation, ancestry, fear, happiness, ignorance, Life, Nature, Nature’s Protections, reproduction.”
- And finally, what would you like readers to take away from the book after reading it?
“A feeling of relief in discovering that Nature never intended us to function as imperfect beings after all. That the human condition as explained offers a whole new take on life offering the opportunity of greater happiness and fulfillment and the chance to feel comfortable in ourselves and at ease in our nature for the very first time. That our emotions can be managed after all that life begins to make sense.”
Buy your copy of Am I Loved? here.
A copy of the book was kindly provided to me to read.