Cord Blood Banking: 3 Reasons Parents Should Consider It
Cord Blood Banking: 3 Reasons Parents Should Consider It
This is a collaborative post with Cells4Life. When a baby is born, the cord is cut and often the cord and blood within it are thrown away, frequently without a second thought. This is primarily due to the fact that parents simply aren’t aware of just how precious the blood within that placenta is. The blood is rich in stem cells, which have the potential to develop into various types of cells and can be used to treat many medical conditions. Here are three reasons why you might consider cord blood banking:
- Medical Benefits: Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that can be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases, including certain types of leukaemia, lymphoma, and genetic disorders. Stem cell transplants from cord blood can help replace damaged or diseased cells in the body, facilitating the recovery and healing process. By banking cord blood, you are essentially preserving a potential source of stem cells for future medical needs for your child or other family members.
- Family Compatibility: Cord blood collected from your baby is a perfect match for your child and has a 40-60% chance of being a match to the child’s siblings. In addition, cord blood is easier to match to others than other sources of stem cells such as bone marrow or peripheral blood. This can be particularly important in cases where a stem cell transplant is needed, as a closer genetic match often leads to better treatment outcomes and reduces the chance of Graft Vs Host Disease or rejection. Cord blood banking can provide peace of mind knowing that you have a readily available source of stem cells if a family member ever requires a transplant. When choosing a family bank like Cells4Life, the family has complete control over the sample which not only gives them exclusive use but can also be used to access experimental therapies or clinical trials.
- Future Medical Advances: Medical research and technology are constantly evolving. Storing your child’s cord blood means you are keeping these valuable stem cells available for potential future medical breakthroughs. It’s possible that advancements in regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies may make use of stored cord blood more prevalent and effective in the future.
The decision to bank cord blood is a personal one. It’s important to discuss your options and make an informed decision that aligns with your family’s unique circumstances and medical history. The most important thing is that families make a conscious choice about the destiny of their baby’s cord blood – every family should have the ability to make an informed decision about something so important.
Guest Article.