Creating My Own Children’s Window Blind Design
Creating My Own Children’s Window Blind Design
Home decor is a passion of mine and since having children, I especially love creating fun areas for kids or imagining them when browsing Pinterest and gathering inspiration! Curtains and blinds in a child’s room are very important because a dark room makes children sleep longer and parents of children who sleep longer and better, will also get more sleep themselves. Everybody wins.
I’ve created my own design using a tropical fruit pattern that I’ve drawn digitally. Fruits are colourful, fun and healthy so would make a good addition to a child’s bedroom, in my opinion. This pattern also brightens up rainy days like today!
My three-year-old loves pointing out the different fruits and counting the different types in this illustration of mine and I’m sure she’d love to see it on a blind in her bedroom. She’s a fussy eater, so maybe the bright fruits would inspire her to try some new things to eat too?
This is a competition entry.