Do People Share a Bed with Their Pets? New Research Reveals the Answer
Do People Share a Bed with Their Pets? New Research Reveals the Answer | AD
Where does your pet sleep? Have they got their own bed, like a cat bed or dog bed? Or do they sleep in your bed with you? And what do other people do – do most people share a bed with their pets? Find out in this article.

Where Do Britain’s Pets Really Sleep?
New research* by Animed, the online pet care and veterinary supplies company, shows that we’re a nation of bed shares. Almost half of dogs sleep with their owners and as many as 70% of cats curl up on the duvet of their owner’s bed for the night.
The reasons why pet owners choose to bed share with their pets vary:
- 65% say “they’re part of the family”
- 45% say “I feel safer and it’s comforting”
- 20% say “I sleep better”
All valid reasons. No matter their sleeping style – paws-in-the-face sleeper, the “burrower” or the tightly curled doughnut, British cats and dogs are used to sleeping on their owner’s duvet over their dog bed or cat bed.
What about daytime naps? Well, during the daytime even more dogs are allowed to snuggle up on their owner’s sofa. Almost 70% of dog owners allow this, even the ones whose dog has a dedicated dog bed. Most cat owners say of course the cat is allowed on the sofa!

Should Pets be Allowed on Beds and Sofas?
The question is if pets should be allowed to sleep on beds and sofas. According to Animed vet Jess Simmonds, it’s better that pets are taught from day one that they have their own bed, such as a dog bed or a cat bed. Of course it can be really comforting to curl up with your pet at night but there are a few reasons why it’s not a good idea.
The first one is that animals naturally wake up frequently during the night, which means your sleep will be disturbed too. Another factor is allergies. If your pet is in your bed, there will be pet hair and dander too. These might not bother you so much during the day but can overwhelm allergies when at close proximity during the night. Last, but not least, if your pet will keep sleeping on your bed, ensure that their flea, tick and worm treatment is up to date. Flea, tick and worming treatments are available in spot-on form, tablets or as a collar from Animed.
Letting your pet sleep on your bed is very normal. Britain is a nation of bed sharers when it comes to pets. Even the pets of celebrities live like this – Demi Moore has been quoted as saying she sleeps with her dogs and Prince William and Princess Kate apparently let their cocker spaniel, Orla, sleep on their bed. So, if you want to let your dog sleep like royalty, ensure all essential treatments are up to date first.
*Research conducted by Satellite Health March 2025 surveying 1,000 pet owners.