Our Favourite Toy Storage Solutions – Lego, Duplo, Puzzles…
Our Favourite Toy Storage Solutions – Lego, Duplo, Puzzles…
We have quite many toys. Like all kids, my two daughters love toys, of course, but I quite love toys too so that adds to our toy collection and storage problem. We have toys in the living room, our bedroom and my eldest’s bedroom — if you count craft stuff as toys, then we have some in the kitchen too. All these fun items need a home to make life a little less messy and, though our toy storage is not perfect, we do have a few solutions that I really like.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of toys in your home, I recommend starting with a big decluttering session and the starting toy rotation which has many benefits.
- Lego Storage Bricks
I love these Lego storage bricks because we love Lego and these look amazing! They just look like huge Lego blocks which is, of course, a lot of fun for any Lego fan. They come in lots of different colours and sizes. We have two 8 ones and two 4 ones and we use two for actual Lego and two for other random toys. Lego pieces can get stuck in the bottom which is a bit of a design flaw but they look so good and you can solve the problem with a bit of regular tape. We keep ours on the shelf of our Lack sofa table from IKEA and they all fit perfectly.
- Lego Storage Heads
Again, I bought these because they look great and we love Lego! We have a large and a small Lego boy head and one girl head. We used the large ones for nappy changing storage for ages — one for my eldest and one for my youngest but now that my eldest is potty trained, we only use one for this purpose and the other for toys. They can hold quite a lot! We use the small one to store our picnic set and that works very well too. I love the look of the pumpkin one and the skeleton one too but I don’t know if they are made anymore.
- Lego Lunch Box
We use a Lego lunch box with carry handle to store our Lego figures to keep them separate from all the other bricks. It’s a great size and a Lego lunch box is of course perfect for Lego figures. My eldest often plays with just the figures so it makes sense to keep them separate so that they’re easy to find and quick to get out and tidy away.
- Stuffel Toy Storage Bags
We have two Stuffel toy storage bags which are toy storage bags and play mats in one. They make tidying up so easy! We use the Large one for our Duplo special pieces (animals, people, house parts, etc.) and the Mini one for baby toys. They are really useful and look great too! Read my full review and check out my video demonstration here.
- BlokPod Lego Sorter & Storage
A BlokPod is specifically designed to sort and store Lego and it’s quite clever. The different compartments have solid net dividers with different sized holes so when you fill it from the top, the small pieces fall through to the bottom, the not so small ones go to the second lowest layer, the larger ones to the third and the biggest ones stay at the top. This is great for Lego sorting if you like to do it by size. We currently use it for our regular Duplo blocks and use it to sort by colour. The dividing layers are blue, yellow and red so that works very well, too.
- Garden Toy Storage
My kids absolutely adore playing outside in the garden and we have a few toys that pretty much live outdoors during spring and summer but then need to be stored somewhere over winter. You can get outdoor storage boxes in a size that suits your needs, and these are a brilliant way to store your kids’ garden toys over winter. Make sure you look out for a garden storage box that’s waterproof to keep your the toys protected from the weather.
- Moover Dolls Pram
I like using our Moover Dolls Pram for storage as well as playing — fun and practical. We keep our wooden foods collection in this beautiful wooden dolls pram and I think it looks really cute. It also makes them easy for my toddler to get out whenever she wishes to play with them. Read my full review of this gorgeous dolls pram here.
- Sturdy Plastic Bags
We have a small collection of wooden jigsaw puzzles that I’ve bought in Sweden and a couple of kids’ domino games and the girls were always dragging the puzzle boxes out and standing on them so they soon started looking quite tatty and were a bit broken too. I got tired of seeing the almost broken cardboard boxes so decided to take some sturdy plastic food storage bags — these are washable and reusable too so they’re very strong — and put the puzzles and dominoes in a bag each. I cut the pictures from the puzzle boxes out and put them in the bags with he correct pieces so they’re easy to identify. I keep the puzzle bags in a drawer organiser from IKEA.
- More Toys
We also keep some toys in our Kallax shelves from IKEA in Dröna storage boxes but they’re not sturdy enough for when the kids drag them out and try to get their toys out so the boxes break really quickly. At the moment IKEA doesn’t have any other boxes that would work better for us. I would love to see some wooden ones or sturdier fabric ones.
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