How to Avoid Baby Spam from Online Baby Clubs – A Helpful Guide
|How to Avoid Baby Spam from Online Baby Clubs – A Helpful Guide
There are many online clubs for new and expecting mums to join which give you access to exclusive discounts and freebies as well support from other mums via forums and due date clubs, but what’s the catch?
How to Avoid Baby Spam from Online Baby Clubs
This guide takes you through what clubs are available to you and what you need to know when signing up to help you avoid unnecessary spamming.
- Boots Parenting Club – 10 Advantage points for every £1, free magazines containing expert advice, personalized offers to your life stage and free gifts. May share your info with their branded sponsors and other parts of the Walgreens Boots Alliance group.
- Huggies Pull ups potty training – Free Huggies Pull-Ups when you complete a form to access their School of Toilet Training. Huggies will keep in touch with offers, new and information.
- Your Baby Club – Exclusive deals, discounts and competitions from big and small brands. Your Baby Club do not sell your data to third parties, they exchange data required for you to redeem promotions from brands you choose to engage with. Your Baby Club also send out 5000 boxes of samples to expecting mums who win on the site each month.
- Heinz Baby Club – The club is now a Facebook page that offers free baby recipes, meal planners and great competitions, no catch so definitely worth a like.
- Bounty Parenting Club – Free goodie bags, guides and samples from big brands, but note that Bounty sell data to third parties and so it’s a good idea to create a separate email account for Bounty.
- Emma’s Diary – Week by week info about your pregnancy and development of your baby, and £200 of money off vouchers to spend at Argos on registration. Also Emma’s Diary gift bags available for members only. Emma’s Diary work with third parties for data acquisition and so it’s a good idea to create a separate email account for Emma’s Diary.
- C&G Baby Club – The cow and gate baby club about supporting you through your amazing journey from bump to mum. You’ll get advice, free goodies and get to know lots of other mums. It would be very unlikely for C&G Baby club to share your information with 3rd parties, although they can share info with other Danone brands, however they generally don’t.
- Hipp Organic Club – For expert advice on weaning and nutrition, samples and offers available to club members. Hipp will contact you with their own marketing info.
- My Mothercare – Sign up and receive over £100-worth of exclusive discount vouchers at Mothercare, 20% of toys for your child’s birthday and personalized offers. This club will share your info with Mothercare,, Mothercare World, Mothercare’s sister company the Early Learning Centre, as well as third parties they believe are of interest to you – unless you opt out.
- Toys R Us Gold Card – Sign up for money off vouchers, personalized offers and shopper service, reviews and more. Toys R Us will sell, trade and rent your info with third parties until you opt out.
- The Pampers club – A clever app that allows you to obtain bonus for rewards points when you buy pampers nappies. Your details will be shared with other group companies with in the P&G network, and to third parties acting on behalf of P&G.
- SMA Baby Club – Exclusive access to ‘how to’ videos and a free gift. Very unlikely that your data will be shared even with other Nestle Group brands.
- The Baby Directory – Local baby product guides and discounts. Will share your info with third parties unless you opt out.
- MAM Club – Pregnancy & baby development calendars, competitions and the opportunity to become a product tester of MAM products. MAM can share your details with third parties if you give your consent, but in general this isn’t something they do.
- – Free baby pack, samples and freebies from Choose from a boy or a girl pack. Please note that you must claim offers in order to build credits on the site and Baby Samples will exchange your data with brands for marketing purposes. You also need to refer friends before being able to claim your free gift. Best to use a different email to avoid spam.
- Early Learning Centre’s Big Birthday Club – Find party ideas, send invites and get 20% off your child’s birthday present when you join. This club will share your info with Mothercare,, Mothercare World, Mothercare’s sister company the Early Learning Centre, as well as third parties they believe are of interest to you – unless you opt out.
- Apta Club – Free nutrition guides and expert advice from the team of midwives, nutritionists and advisors. It would be very unlikely for Apta club to share your information with 3rd parties, although they can share info with other Danone brands, however they generally don’t.
- Asda Baby and Toddler club – Hear about the latest deals and offers, and be the first to know about new competitions when you join. Also useful tips and advice about all parenting. Adsa will use your information for marketing purposes and share details with carefully selected third parties.
- Little Bird – Great discount vouchers for all sorts of family activities. Little bird will share your details with third parties unless you opt out and so it is advised to create a separate email just for Little Bird offers to avoid spam from online baby clubs.
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