Keep Yourself Looking Young & Healthy as a Busy Mum

Ways to Keep Yourself Looking Young & Healthy as a Busy Mum A Mum Reviews

Ways to Keep Yourself Looking Young & Healthy as a Busy Mum

As a busy mum, it’s sometimes difficult to look after yourself because you have so many other things going on in your life and focus often ends up on the kids, work and the family home and not on yourself.  In this article, we will take a look at how you can look after yourself and look younger and healthier without spending too much time in the process.

After all, we all want to age like a fine wine, but when life gets on top of us, it’s easy to forget to look after yourself. Here are some tips for self care that can make a big difference to how you feel and look:

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1) Hydrate your body.

The simplest way of looking better without taking up too much time or money is to hydrate your body by drinking at least 6 to 8 cups of water a day. If you’re the type of mum to be always on the go you could invest in a stainless steel water bottle to carry around with you.

Keeping hydrated has two main effects on the body, firstly it adds elasticity to your skin and keeps it looking alive and fresh. Secondly being hydrated makes you feel fuller which stops you from snacking on junk foods. Snacking on junk foods can clog your skin and make it more likely to break out.

A great idea by Sandra Vickers on her blog is to include a greens power, like the one by Living Fuel, to not just hydrate but to get your veggies in one go.

Ways to Have a Healthy Lifestyle A Mum Reviews

2) Exercise for an hour.

I get it, you’re busy and you don’t have time for exercise, but if it means getting up a little bit earlier or taking some time when you’re not looking after the kids, then do it. By exercising for one hour 3 times a week you are going to look fitter and healthier. You will also feel better mentally and all of this adds to a happier and healthier mum! If you never have any time away from the kids, incorporate them in the exercise by going for a walk, playing football in the garden or dancing together in the living room.

Exercise also works under the skin causing your bones to become denser and it will strengthen your ligaments. This causes the skin on top to look firmer, giving you an all-round better appearance.

Ways to Have a Healthy Lifestyle A Mum Reviews

3) Give up bad habits.

Bad habits that have formed over the years like binge drinking, smoking or eating junk food will play havoc with your skin and can make you look 10 years older than you are. I don’t need to tell you any of that, but quitting these habits is more difficult than just saying quit, so if you need advice from a professional, definitely reach out.

A Mum Reviews

4) Use the right products for your skin

As you can tell a lot of your appearance comes down to your skin and having the right product for your skin is vital. A product that is too drying will cause your skin to flake and crack. A product with too much oil will cause a build-up of oils which will lead to breakouts.

Some women have a combination skin type too, some parts will need a cream suitable for dry skin and some parts will need a cream suitable for oily skin. What I would suggest is to go and see a qualified dermatologist and get a recommendation for what would work best for your skin type.

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5) Consider non-surgical treatments

When all of the above fails and you still want to improve your appearance you could look to non-surgical treatments. These are treatments that can help your skin and appearance but are not as drastic as cosmetic surgery. These include things like laser treatments, certain facials, chemical peels, botox etc.

They’re not for everyone but more and more people are having these kinds of treatments these days. People having botox injections are up 800% since 2010 (Source as people are looking for an effective treatment for wrinkles and lines to look a bit younger.

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6) Relax more.

Stress can create anxiety and depression in a lot of moms, so it’s more important than ever to find a way to relax. Everyone is different so you are going to need to find a way that works for you.

Maybe your way of relaxing could be reading a book, listening to a podcast or soaking in a hot tub for an hour. Find something that works for you and make sure to do it when you’re feeling stressed.

These changes will help you keep yourself looking young and healthy. It will not happen overnight, but keep investing some time in yourself and see the benefits soon!

Guest Article. Contains a sponsored link.


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